Consider a two component medium
(5.13) | ||||
(5.14) |
in terms of the functions
The propagation of electromagnetic waves in the composite
medium is described by the macroscopic Maxwell equations
In the following the magnetic permeabilities are assumed
to be unity to simplify the analysis.
The time variation of the fields is taken to be proportional to
(5.15) |
combines the free current density and the polarization current. In the quasistatic approximation one assumes that the frequency is small enough such that the inductive term on the right hand side of Faradays law (4.6) can be neglected. Introducing the complex frequency dependent dielectric function
(5.16) |
the electric field and the displacement are found to satisfy the equations
(5.17) | ||||
(5.18) | ||||
(5.19) |
in the quasistatic approximations. If the electric field is replaced by the potential these equations assume the same form as (5.2), and hence the methods discussed in section V.A can be employed in their analysis.
The neglect of the induced electromagnetic force is justified if the wavelength or penetration depth of the radiation is large compared to the typical linear dimension of the scatterers. If the scattering is caused by heterogeneities on the micrometer scale as in many examples of interest the approximation will be valid well into the infrared region.
The electrical conductivity of rocks fully or partially
saturated with brine is an important quantity for the
reconstruction of subsurface geology from borehole logs
[281, 282].
The main contribution to the total conductivity
(5.20) |
The formation factor is usually correlated with the bulk
(5.21) |
where the so called cementation index
The experimental evidence for the postulated algebraic correlation (5.21) between conductivity and porosity is weak. The available range of the porosity rarely spans more than a decade. The corresponding conductivity data scatter widely for measurements on porous rocks and other media [285, 286, 254, 281, 188, 287, 288]. The most reliable tests of Archies law have been performed on artificial porous media made from sintering glass beads [285, 254, 287]. These media have a microstructure very similar to sandstone and are at the same time free from electrochemical effects. A typical experimental result for glass beads is shown in Figure 18 [287].
Note the small range of porosities in the figure.
The existence of nontrivial power law relations in such samples
is better demonstrated by correlating the conductivity with
the permeability [284, 170].
In other experiments on artificial media a mixture of rubber balls
and water is successively compressed while monitoring its
conductivity [289, 217].
These experiments show deviations from the pure algebraic behaviour
postulated by (5.21).
If the cementation ”exponent” in (5.21) is assumed to depend
A much better confirmed observation on natural and artificial porous rocks is dielectric enhancement caused by the disorder in the microstructure [290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 287, 295, 89]. Dielectric enhancement due to disorder has been studied extensively in percolation theory and experiment [296, 297, 40]. An example is shown in figure 19 for the sintered glass bead media containing thin glass plates.
In these media interfacial conductivity and other electrochemical
effects can be neglected [287].
The frequency is plotted in units of
Dielectric mixing laws express the frequency dependent
dielectric function or conductivity of a two component
mixture in terms of the dielectric functions of the
constituents [46, 35, 40, 31].
Spectral theories express the effective dielectric
function in terms of an abstract pole spectrum
which is independent of the dielectric functions
(5.22) |
(5.23) |
The constants
The simplest geometric theories for the effective dielectric
(5.24) |
where the average denotes an ensemble average using the
probability density
(5.25) |
(5.26) |
which will be a good approximation at low porosities.
Note that the Clausius-Mossotti approximation is not
symmetrical under exchanging pore and matrix.
A symmetrical and also self consistent approximation
is obtained from (5.24) by setting
(5.27) |
which could have been derived also from using
equation (5.25) in (5.12).
The effective medium approximation is a very good
approximation for microstructures consisting of a
small concentration of nonoverlapping spherical grains
embedded in a host.
Recently, much effort has been expended to show that
the EMA becomes exact for certain pathological
microstructures [311].
The so called asymmetrical or differential
effective medium approximation is obtained by iterating
the Clausius-Mossotti equation which gives the effective
conductivity to lowest order in
(5.28) |
for spherically shaped inclusions.
The symmetric and asymmetric effective medium appoximations
can be generalized to ellipsoidal inclusions because the
electric field and polarization inside the ellipsoid remain
uniform in an applied external field [310, 40, 312].
For aligned oblate spheroids whose quadratic form is
(5.29) |
where the index
(5.30) | ||||
(5.31) | ||||
(5.32) | ||||
(5.33) |
(5.34) |
For spheroids with identical shape but isotropically distributed orientations
(5.35) |
was obtained in [314, 205, 292]. Equation (5.34) will be referred to as the Sen-Scala-Cohen model (SSC) and (5.35) will be called the uniform spheroid model (USM).
Recently local porosity theory has been proposed as an
alternative generalization of effective medium theories
[168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175].
The simplest mean field theories
(5.26), (5.27) and (5.28) are based on
the simplest geometric characterization theories of section
III.A.1. These theories are usually interpreted geometrically
in terms of grain models(see section III.B.2) with
spherical grains embedded into a homogeneous host material.
The generalizations (5.29), (5.34) and
(5.35) are obtained by generalizing the interpretation
to more general grain models.
Local porosity theory on the other hand is based on generalizing
the geometric characterization by using local geometry distributions
(see section III.A.5) rather than simply porosity
or specific surface area alone.
In III.A.5 two different types
of local geometry distributions were introduced:
Macroscopic distributions with infinitely large measurement cells
defined in (3.52), and mesoscopic distributions with
measurement cells of finite volume defined in (3.33).
For a mesoscopic partitioning
(5.36) |
Equation (5.36) has two interesting special cases.
For a cubic measurement lattice (
(5.37) |
becomes concentrated at a single point according to
(3.32) or (3.35).
Assuming as before that the limit is independent of the
shape of
(5.38) |
which is identical to (5.27) except for the replacement
(5.39) |
Note that the limiting equations (5.38) and
(5.39) for
As discussed in section III.A.5.e the
(5.40) |
Archies law (5.21) concerns the effective dc
(5.41) |
which reproduces Archie’s law (5.21) with a
cementation exponent
(5.42) |
For the asymmetric effective medium theory in its simplest form (5.28) one finds
(5.43) |
consistent with Archies law (5.21) with cementation
(5.44) |
Local porosity theory contains geometrical information
above and beyond the average porosity
(5.45) |
which may or may not have a percolation transition depending upon whether the equation
(5.46) |
has a solution
(5.47) |
which is more versatile than (5.44).
The preceding results hold for large measurement cells
(5.48) |
(5.49) |
(5.50) |
giving the total fraction of percolating local geometries.
The result (5.48)applies if
(5.51) |
the inverse first moment is finite [317].
This condition is violated for the macroscopic distributions
(5.52) |
Compaction and consolidation processes will in general change
the local porosity distributions
(5.53) |
which is even less universal.
The validity of the expansion
The measured data are the points, the solid curve represents
a fit
The theoretical mixing laws for the frequency dependent dielectric function discussed in section V.B.3 can be compared with experiment. Spectral theories generally give good fits to the experimental data [293, 287] but do not allow a geometrical interpretation. Geometrical theories on the other hand contain independently observable geometric characteristics, and can be falsified by experiment.
The single parameter mean field theories (5.26), (5.12) and (5.28) contain only the bulk porosity as a geometrical quantity. They are generally unable to reproduce the observed dielectric dispersion and enhancement. This is illustrated in Figure 21 which shows the experimental measurements of the real part of the frequency dependent dielectric function as solid circles [175].
The results were obtained for a brine saturated
sample of sintered
To compare the experimental observations with the Sen-Scala-Cohen
model (5.34) or with the uniform spheroid model (5.35)
the depolarization factor
All curves represent one parameter fits to the experimental
The solid curve is obtained from local porosity theory
(5.36) using
Similar experimental results for the dielectric dispersion have been observed in natural rock samples [292]. Figure 8 in [292] compares the measurements only to the uniform spheroid model. Similar to the results of [175] on sintered glass beads the uniform spheroid model did not reproduce the dielectric enhancement, and required too high aspect ratios to be realistic for the observed microstructure.
Local porosity theory has also been used to estimate the broadening of the dielectric relaxation of polymers blends [174].