VI.B.1 Microscopic Equations of Motion
Microscopic equations of motion for two-phase flow in porous media are
commonly given as Stokes (or Navier-Stokes) equations for two
incompressible Newtonian fluids with no-slip and stress-balance
boundary conditions at the interfaces [342, 270, 322].
In the following the wetting fluid
(water) will be denoted by a subscript 𝕎 while the nonwetting
fluid (oil) is indexed with 𝕆. The solid rock matrix, indexed
as 𝕄, is assumed to be porous and rigid. It fills a closed subset
𝕄⊂R3 of three dimensional space. The pore space ℙ is
filled with the two fluid phases described by the two closed subsets
𝕎t,𝕆t⊂R3 which are in general time
dependent, and related to each other through the condition
Note that ℙ is independent of time because 𝕄 is rigid
while 𝕆t and 𝕎t are not.
The rigid rock surface will be denoted as ∂𝕄, and the
mobile oil-water interface as ∂𝕆𝕎t=𝕆t∩𝕎t.
A standard formulation of pore scale equations of motion for
two incompressible and immiscible fluids flowing through a porous
medium are the Navier-Stokes equations
ρ𝕎∂v𝕎∂t+ρ𝕎v𝕎T⋅∇v𝕎=μ𝕎Δv𝕎+ρ𝕎g∇z-∇P𝕎ρ𝕆∂v𝕆∂t+ρ𝕆v𝕆T⋅∇v𝕆=μ𝕆Δv𝕆+ρ𝕆g∇z-∇P𝕆 |
| (6.1) |
and the incompressibility conditions
where v𝕎x,t,v𝕆x,t are the velocity fields
for water and oil, P𝕎x,t,P𝕆x,t are the
pressure fields in the two phases, ρ𝕎,ρ𝕆
the densities, μ𝕎,μ𝕆 the dynamic viscosities, and g
the gravitational constant. The vector xT=x,y,z denotes
the coordinate vector, t is the time,
the gradient operator, Δ the Laplacian and the superscript
T denotes transposition. The gravitational force is directed
along the z-axis and it represents an external body force.
Although gravity effects are often small for pore scale processes
(see eq. (6.37) below), there has recently been
a growing interest in modeling gravity effects also at the pore
scale [343, 245, 246, 42].
The microscopic formulation is completed by specifiying an initial
fluid distribution 𝕎(t=0),𝕆(t=0) and boundary conditions.
The latter are usually no-slip boundary conditions at solid-fluid
v𝕎=0at∂𝕄v𝕆=0at∂𝕄, |
| (6.3) |
as well as for the fluid-fluid interface,
combined with stress-balance across the fluid-fluid interface,
τ𝕎⋅n=τ𝕆⋅n+2σ𝕆𝕎κnat∂𝕆𝕎t. |
| (6.5) |
Here σ𝕆𝕎 denotes the water-oil interfacial tension,
κ is the curvature of the oil-water interface and n
is a unit normal to it. The stress tensor τx,t for the
two fluids is given in terms of v and P as
where the symmetrization operator 𝒮 acts as
𝒮A=12A+AT-23trA 1 |
| (6.7) |
on the matrix A and 1 is the identity matrix.
The pore space boundary ∂𝕄 is given and fixed while
the fluid-fluid interface ∂𝕆𝕎t has to be determined
selfconsistently as part of the solution.
For 𝕎=∅ or 𝕆=∅ the above formulation
of two phase flow at the pore scale reduces to the standard formulation
of single phase flow of water or oil at the pore scale.
VI.B.2 The Contact Line Problem
The pore scale equations of motion given in the preceding
section contain a self contradiction. The problem
arises from the system of contact lines defined as
∂𝕄𝕆𝕎t=∂𝕄∩∂𝕆𝕎t |
| (6.8) |
on the inner surface of the porous medium. The contact lines
must in general slip across the surface of the rock in direct
contradiction to the no-slip boundary condition Eq. (6.3).
This selfcontradiction is not specific for flow in porous media
but exists also for immiscible two phase flow in a tube or in
other containers [344, 345, 346].
There exist several ways out of this classical dilemma depending
on the wetting properties of the fluids. For complete and uniform
wetting a microscopic precursor film of water wets the entire
rock surface [344].
In that case 𝕄∩𝕆t=∅ and thus
∂𝕄𝕆𝕎t=𝕄∩𝕎t∪𝕄∩𝕆t∩𝕆t∩𝕎t=∅, |
| (6.9) |
the problem does not appear.
For other wetting properties a phenomenological slipping model
for the manner in which the slipping occurs at the contact line
is needed to complete the pore scale description of two phase
The pheneomenological slipping models describe the region around
the contact line microscopically. The typical size of this region,
called the “slipping length”, is around 10-9m.
Therefore the problem of contact lines is particularly acute
for immiscible displacement in microporous media, and the
Navier-Stokes description of the previous section
does not apply for such media.
VI.B.3 Microscopic Dimensional Analysis
Given a microscopic model for contact line slipping the next
step is to evaluate the relative importance of the different
terms in the equations of motion at the pore scale. This
is done by casting them into dimensionless form using the
where l is a microscopic length, u is a microscopic velocity and
A^ denotes the dimensionless equivalent of the quantity A.
With these definitions the dimensionless equations of motion on the
pore scale can be written as
∂v^𝕎∂t^+v^𝕎T⋅∇^v^𝕎=1Re𝕎Δ^v^𝕎+1Fr2∇^z^-1We𝕎∇^P^𝕎∂v^𝕆∂t^+v^𝕆T⋅∇^v^𝕆=1Re𝕆Δ^v^𝕆+1Fr2∇^z^-1We𝕆∇^P^𝕆 |
| (6.16) |
∇^T⋅v^𝕎=0∇^T⋅v^𝕆=0 |
| (6.17) |
with dimensionless boundary conditions
v^𝕎=v^𝕆=0 at ∂𝕄, |
| (6.18) |
v^𝕎=v^𝕆 at ∂𝕆𝕎t, |
| (6.19) |
P^𝕆-P^𝕎n=We𝕎Re𝕎𝒮∇^v^𝕎-We𝕆Re𝕆𝒮∇^v^𝕆⋅n+2κ^n at ∂𝕆𝕎t. |
| (6.20) |
In these equations the microscopic dimensionless ratio
Re𝕎=inertial forcesviscous forces=ρ𝕎ulμ𝕎=ulν𝕎* |
| (6.21) |
is the Reynolds number, and
is the kinematic viscosity which may be interpreted as a specific action
or a specific momentum transfer. The other fluid dynamic numbers are
defined as
Fr=u2gl=inertial forcesgravitational forces |
| (6.23) |
for the Froude number, and
We𝕎=ρ𝕎u2lσ𝕆𝕎=inertial forcescapillary forces |
| (6.24) |
for the Weber number. The corresponding dimensionless ratios
for the oil phase are related to those for the water phase as
by viscosity and density ratios.
Table IV gives approximate values for densities, viscosities and
surface tensions under reservoir conditions [47, 48].
In the following these
values will be used to make order of magnitude estimates.
Table IV: Order of magnitude estimates for densities,
viscosities and surface tension of oil and water under
reservoir conditions
ρ𝕆 |
ρ𝕎 |
μ𝕆 |
μ𝕎 |
σ𝕆𝕎 |
800kgm-3 |
1000kgm-3 |
0.0018Nm-2s |
0.0009Nm-2s |
0.035Nm-1 |
Typical pore sizes in an oil reservoir are of order
l≈10-4m and microscopic fluid velocities
for reservoir floods range around
u≈3×10-6ms-1. Combining these
estimates with those of Table IV shows that the dimensionless ratios
obey Re𝕆,Re𝕎,Fr2,We𝕆,We𝕎≪1. Therefore, the
pore scale equations (6.16) reduce to the simpler Stokes form
0=Δ^v^𝕎+1Gr𝕎∇^z^-1Ca𝕎∇^P^𝕎0=Δ^v^𝕆+1Gr𝕆∇^z^-1Ca𝕆∇^P^𝕆 |
| (6.27) |
Ca𝕎=We𝕎Re𝕎=viscous forcescapillary forces=μ𝕎uσ𝕆𝕎=uu𝕎* |
| (6.28) |
is the microscopic capillary number of water, and
Gr𝕎=Fr2Re=viscous forcesgravity forces=μ𝕎uρ𝕎gl2 |
| (6.29) |
is the microscopic “gravity number” of water. The capillary number
is a measure of velocity in units of
a characteristic velocity at which the coherence of the oil-water
interface is destroyed by viscous forces. The capillary and gravity
numbers for the oil phase can again be expressed through density
and viscosity ratios as
Ca𝕆 | = | Ca𝕎μ𝕆μ𝕎 |
| (6.31) |
Gr𝕆 | = | Gr𝕎ρ𝕎ρ𝕆μ𝕆μ𝕎. |
| (6.32) |
Many other dimensionless ratios may be defined. Of general interest are
dimensionless space and time variables. Such ratios are formed as
Gl𝕎=Ca𝕎Gr𝕎=We𝕎Fr2=gravity forcescapillary forces=ρ𝕎gl2σ𝕆𝕎=l2l𝕎* 2 |
| (6.33) |
which has been called the “gravillary number” [47, 48].
The gravillary number becomes the better known bond number if the
density ρ𝕎 is replaced with the density difference
The corresponding length
separates capillary waves with wavelengths below l𝕎* from
gravity waves with wavelengths above l𝕎*.
A dimensionless time variable is formed from the gravillary and
capillary numbers as
Gl𝕎Ca𝕎=Re𝕎FrWe𝕎=gravity f.3/2capillary f.1/2×viscous f.=ρ𝕎σ𝕆𝕎gtμ𝕎=tt𝕎* |
| (6.35) |
t𝕎*=l𝕎*u𝕎*=μ𝕎σ𝕆𝕎ρ𝕎g |
| (6.36) |
is a characteristic time after which the influence of gravity
dominates viscous and capillary effects.
The reader is cautioned not to misinterpret the value of t𝕎*
in Table V below as an indication that gravity forces dominate
on the pore scale.
Table V collects definitions and estimates for the dimensionless groups
and the numbers l*,u* and ν* characterizing the oil-water system.
Table V: Overview of definitions and estimates for characteristic
microscopic numbers describing oil and water flow under reservoir
Quantity |
Definition |
Estimate |
Re𝕎 |
ρ𝕎ulμ𝕎 |
3.3⋅10-4 |
Ca𝕎 |
μ𝕎uσ𝕆𝕎 |
7.7⋅10-8 |
Gr𝕎 |
μ𝕎uρ𝕎gl2 |
2.8⋅10-5 |
Gl𝕎 |
ρ𝕎gl2σ𝕆𝕎 |
2.8⋅10-3 |
ν𝕎* |
μ𝕎ρ𝕎 |
9⋅10-7m2s-1 |
u𝕎* |
σ𝕆𝕎μ𝕎 |
38.9ms-1 |
l𝕎* |
σ𝕆𝕎ρ𝕎g |
1.9cm |
t𝕎* |
μ𝕎σ𝕆𝕎ρ𝕎g |
4.9⋅10-4s |
For these estimates the values in Table IV together with the above
estimates of l and u have been used. Table V shows that
viscous forces≪gravity forces≪capillary forces, |
| (6.37) |
and hence capillary forces dominate on the pore scale
[333, 2, 47, 48].
From the Stokes equation (6.27) it follows immediately that for low
capillary number floods (Ca≪1) the viscous term
as well as the shear term in the boundary condition (6.20) become
negligible. Therefore the velocity field drops out, and the problem
reduces to finding the equilibrium capillary pressure field.
The equilibrium configuration of the oil-water interface then defines
timeindependent pathways for the flow of oil and water.
Hence, for flows with microscopic capillary numbers Ca≪1
an improved methodology for a quantitative description of
immiscible displacement from pore scale physics requires
improved calculations of capillary pressures from the pore
scale, and much research is devoted to this topic
[347, 348, 246a].