VI.C.1 Macroscopic Equations of Motion
The accepted large scale equations of motion for two phase
flow involve a generalization of Darcy’s law to relative
permeabilities including offdiagonal viscous coupling terms
[349, 270, 322, 321, 350, 351, 352].
The importance of viscous coupling terms has been recognized
relatively late [353, 354, 355, 356, 357].
The equations which are generally believed to describe multiphase flow
on the reservoir scale as well as on the laboratory scale may
be written as [322, 350]
ϕ¯∂S¯𝕎∂t¯=∇¯⋅v¯𝕎ϕ¯∂S¯𝕆∂t¯=∇¯⋅v¯𝕆 |
| (6.38) |
v¯𝕎=-K𝕎𝕎rKμ𝕎∇¯P¯𝕎-ρ𝕎g∇¯z¯+K𝕎𝕆rKμ𝕆∇¯P¯𝕆-ρ𝕆g∇¯z¯v¯𝕆=-K𝕆𝕎rKμ𝕎∇¯P¯𝕎-ρ𝕎g∇¯z¯+K𝕆𝕆rKμ𝕆∇¯P¯𝕆-ρ𝕆g∇¯z¯ |
| (6.39) |
where A¯ denotes the macroscopic volume averaged equivalent of the
pore scale quantity A. In the equations above K stands for the
absolute (single phase flow) permeability tensor, K𝕎𝕎r
is the relative permeability tensor for water, K𝕆𝕆r the
oil relative permeability tensor, and K𝕎𝕆r,K𝕆𝕎r
denote the possibly anisotropic coupling terms. The relative
permeabilities are matrix valued functions of saturation.
The saturations are denoted as S¯𝕎,S¯𝕆 and they
depend on the macroscopic space and time variables x¯,t¯.
The capillary pressure curve P¯cS¯𝕎 and the relative
permeability tensors KijrS¯𝕎,i,j=𝕎,𝕆 must be
known either from solving the pore scale equations of motion,
or from experiment.
KijrS¯𝕎 and P¯cS¯𝕎 are conventionally
assumed to be independent of v¯ and P¯ and this convention
is followed here, although it is conceivable that this is not
generally correct [354].
Eliminating v¯ and choosing P¯𝕎x¯,t¯ and S¯𝕎x¯,t¯
as the principal unknowns one arrives at the large scale two-phase flow
| ϕ¯ | ∂S¯𝕎∂t¯=∇¯⋅{K𝕎𝕎r(S¯𝕎)Kμ𝕎(∇¯P¯𝕎-ρ𝕎g∇¯z¯) |
| (6.42) |
| + | K𝕎𝕆r(S¯𝕎)Kμ𝕆[(∇¯P¯𝕎-ρ𝕎g∇¯z¯)+∇¯P¯c(S¯𝕎)+(ρ𝕎-ρ𝕆)g∇¯z¯]} |
| ϕ¯ | ∂1-S¯𝕎∂t¯=∇¯⋅{K𝕆𝕎r(S¯𝕎)Kμ𝕎(∇¯P¯𝕎-ρ𝕎g∇¯z¯) |
| (6.43) |
| + | K𝕆𝕆r(S¯𝕎)Kμ𝕆[(∇¯P¯𝕎-ρ𝕎g∇¯z¯)+∇¯P¯c(S¯𝕎)+(ρ𝕎-ρ𝕆)g∇¯z¯]} |
for these two unknowns. Equations (6.42) and (6.43)
are coupled nonlinear partial differential equations for the
large scale pressure and saturation field of the water phase.
These equations must be complemented with large scale boundary
conditions. For core experiments these are typically given by
a surface source on one side of the core, a surface sink on the
opposite face, and impermeable walls on the other faces.
For a reservoir the boundary conditions depend upon
the drive configuration and the geological modeling of the
reservoir environment, so that Dirichlet as well as von
Neumann problems arise in practice [339, 351, 352].
VI.C.2 Macroscopic Dimensional Analysis
The large scale equations of motion can be cast in dimensionless
form using the definitions
where as before A¯^ denotes the dimensionless
equivalent of the macroscopic quantity A¯. The length
l¯ is now a macroscopic length,
and u¯ a macroscopic (seepage or Darcy) velocity. The pressure
P¯b denotes the “breakthrough” pressure from the capillary
pressure curve P¯cS¯𝕎. It is defined as
where S¯b is the breakthrough saturation defined as the solution
of the equation
d2P¯cS¯𝕎dS¯𝕎2=0. |
| (6.50) |
Thus the dimensionless pressure is defined in terms of the inflection
point P¯b,S¯b on the capillary pressure curve, and it gives a
measure of the macroscopic capillary pressure. Note that P¯b is
process dependent, i.e. it will in general differ between imbibition
and drainage. This dependence reflects the influence of microscopic
wetting properties [348] and flow mechanisms on the macroscale
The definition (6.48) differs from the traditional analysis
[49, 329, 330, 331]. In the traditional analysis the normalized
pressure field is defined as
which immediately gives rise to three problems. Firstly the permeablity
is a tensor, and thus a certain nonuniqueness results in anisotropic
situations [339]. Secondly equation (6.51)
neglects the importance of microscopic wetting and saturation history
dependence. The main problem however is that Eq. (6.51)
is not based on macroscopic capillary pressures but on Darcy’s law which
describes macroscopic viscous pressure effects. On the other hand the
normalization (6.48) is free from these problems and it
includes macroscopic
capillarity in the same way as the microscopic normalization
(6.15) includes microscopic capillarity.
With the normalizations introduced above the dimensionless form of the
macroscopic two-phase flow equations (6.42),(6.43) becomes
ϕ¯∂S¯𝕎∂t¯^ | = | ∇¯^⋅{K𝕎𝕎r(S¯𝕎)(Ca¯𝕎-1∇¯^P¯^𝕎-Gr¯𝕎-1∇¯^z¯^) |
| (6.52) |
| + | K𝕎𝕆r(S¯𝕎)μ𝕎μ𝕆[(Ca¯𝕎-1∇¯^P¯^𝕎-Gr¯𝕎-1∇¯z¯^) |
| + | Ca¯𝕎-1∇¯^P¯^c(S¯𝕎)+(1-ρ𝕆ρ𝕎)Gr¯𝕎-1∇¯^z¯^]} |
ϕ¯∂1-S¯𝕎∂t¯^ | = | ∇¯^⋅{K𝕆𝕎r(S¯𝕎)(Ca¯𝕎-1∇¯^P¯^𝕎-Gr¯𝕎-1∇¯^z¯^) |
| (6.53) |
| + | K𝕆𝕆r(S¯𝕎)μ𝕎μ𝕆[(Ca¯𝕎-1∇¯^P¯^𝕎-Gr¯𝕎-1∇¯z¯^) |
| + | Ca¯𝕎-1∇¯^P¯^c(S¯𝕎)+(1-ρ𝕆ρ𝕎)Gr¯𝕎-1∇¯^z¯^]}. |
In these equations the dimensionless tensor
Ca¯𝕎=μ𝕎u¯l¯P¯bK-1=macroscopic viscous pressure dropmacroscopic capillary pressure |
| (6.54) |
plays the role of a macroscopic or large scale capillary number.
Similarly the tensor
Gr¯𝕎=μ𝕎u¯ρ𝕎gK-1=macroscopic viscous pressure dropmacroscopic gravitational pressure |
| (6.55) |
corresponds to the macroscopic gravity number.
If the traditional normalization (6.51) is used instead
of the normalization (6.48), and isotropy is assumed then the
same dimensionless equations are obtained with
where Ca¯𝕎 is the macroscopic capillary number. Thus the
traditional normalization is equivalent to the assumption that
the macroscopic viscous pressure drop always equals the
macroscopic capillary pressure. While this assumption is
not generally valid, it sometimes is a reasonable approximation
as will be illustrated below. First, however, the consequences
of the traditional assumption (6.56) for the measurement of
relative permeabilities will be discussed.
VI.C.3 Measurement of Relative Permeabilities
For simplicity only the isotropic case will be considered from
now on, i.e. let K=k 1 where 1 is the
identity matrix. The tensors Ca¯𝕎 and Gr¯𝕎 then
become Ca¯𝕎=Ca¯𝕎 1 and Gr¯𝕎=Gr¯𝕎 1
where Ca¯𝕎 and Gr¯𝕎 are the macroscopic capillary and
gravity numbers.
The unsteady state or displacement method of measuring relative
permeabilities consists of monitoring the production history and
pressure drop across the sample during a laboratory displacement
process [2, 359, 337]. The relative permeability is obtained as
the solution of an inverse problem. The inverse problem consists
in matching the measured production history and pressure drop
to the solutions of the multiphase flow equations (6.52) and
(6.53) using the Buckley-Leverett approximation.
In the present formulation the Buckley-Leverett approximation
comprises several independent assumptions. Firstly it is assumed
that gravity effects are absent, which amounts to the assumption
Secondly the viscous coupling terms are neglected, i.e.
k𝕎𝕆rμ𝕎μ𝕆≪Ca¯𝕎andk𝕆𝕎r≪Ca¯𝕎. |
| (6.58) |
Finally the resulting equations
ϕ¯∂S¯𝕎∂t¯^=∇¯^⋅k𝕎𝕎rS¯𝕎∇¯^P¯^𝕎Ca¯𝕎 |
| (6.59) |
ϕ¯∂1-S¯𝕎∂t¯^=∇¯^⋅k𝕆𝕆rS¯𝕎μ𝕎μ𝕆∇¯^P¯^𝕎Ca¯𝕎+∇¯^P¯^cS¯𝕎Ca¯𝕎. |
| (6.60) |
are further simplified by assuming that the term involving
P¯^cS¯𝕎 in equation (6.60) may be neglected
Combining (6.57) with the traditional normalization
(6.56) yields the consistency condition
for the application of Buckley-Leverett theory in the determination
of relative permeabilities. It is now clear from the definition
of the macroscopic gravity number, see Eq. (6.55), that
the consistent use of Buckley-Leverett theory for the unsteady
state measurement of relative permeabilities depends strongly on
the flow regime. This is valid whether or not the capillary pressure
term P¯^cS¯𝕎 in (6.60) is neglected.
In addition to these consistency problems the Buckley-Leverett
theory is also plagued with stability problems [360].
VI.C.4 Pore Scale to Large Scale Comparison
The comparison between the macroscopic and the microscopic
dimensional analysis is carried out by relating the microscopic
and macroscopic velocities and length scales. The macroscopic
velocity is taken to be a Darcy velocity defined as (see
discussion following equation (5.79))
where ϕ¯ is the bulk porosity and u denotes the average
microscopic flow velocity introduced in the microscopic analysis
(Eq. (6.12)). The length scales l and l¯
are identical (l¯=l).
Using these relations between microscopic and macroscopic length and
time scales together with the assumption of isotropy yields
Ca¯𝕎=μ𝕎ϕ¯ulkP¯b=ulν*¯𝕎=σ𝕆𝕎ϕ¯lkP¯bCa𝕎 |
| (6.63) |
as the relationship between microscopic and macroscopic capillary numbers.
Similarly one obtains
Gr¯𝕎=μ𝕎ϕ¯uρ𝕎gk=uu*¯𝕎=ϕ¯l2kGr𝕎 |
| (6.64) |
for the gravity numbers. Taking the quotient gives
Gl¯𝕎=Ca¯𝕎Gr¯𝕎=ρ𝕎glP¯b=ll*¯𝕎=σ𝕆𝕎lP¯bGl𝕎 |
| (6.65) |
for the macroscopic gravillary number. Note that the ratio
is the ratio of the microscopic to the macroscopic capillary
pressures. The characteristic numbers
ν*¯𝕎 | = | kP¯bϕ¯μ𝕎 |
| (6.66) |
u*¯𝕎 | = | ρ𝕎gkμ𝕎ϕ¯ |
| (6.67) |
l*¯𝕎 | = | P¯bρ𝕎g |
| (6.68) |
are the macroscopic counterparts of the microscopic numbers defined in
equations (6.22), (6.30) and (6.34).
An interesting way of rewriting these relationships arises from
interpreting the permeability as an effective microscopic
cross sectional area of flow, combined with the Leverett J-function.
More precisely, let
denote a microscopic length which is characteristic for
the pore space transport properties. Then equations
(6.63), (6.64) and (6.65) may
be rewritten as
Ca¯𝕎 | = | l¯ΛCa𝕎JS¯bcosθ |
| (6.70) |
Gr¯𝕎 | = | l¯2Λ2Gr𝕎 |
| (6.71) |
Gl¯𝕎 | = | Λl¯Gl𝕎JS¯bcosθ |
| (6.72) |
where JS¯b=P¯bk/ϕ¯/σ𝕆𝕎cosθ
is the value of the Leverett-J-function [28, 2] at
the saturation corresponding to breakthrough, and θ is the
wetting angle.
The capillary number scales as l¯/Λ while
the gravity number scales as l¯/Λ2. Inserting
(6.71) and (6.72) into (6.57) this implies
that the Buckley-Leverett approximation (6.57) becomes
invalid whenever l¯<ΛGl𝕎/JS¯bcosθ.
VI.C.5 Macroscopic Estimates
The present section gives order of magnitude estimates for the
relative importance of capillary, viscous and gravity effects at
different scales in representative categories of porous media.
These estimates illustrate the usefulness of the macroscopic
dimensionless ratios for the problem of upscaling.
Three types of porous media are considered: high permeability
unconsolidated sand, intermediate permeability sandstone
and low permeability limestone. Representative values for
ϕ¯,k and P¯b are shown in Table VI.
Table VI: Representative values for porosity, permeability and breakthrough
capillary pressure in unconsolidated sand, sandstone and low permeability
Quantity |
Sand |
Sandstone |
Limestone |
ϕ¯ |
0.36 |
0.22 |
0.20 |
k |
10000 mD |
400 mD |
3 mD |
P¯b |
2000 Pa |
104 Pa |
105 Pa |
Table VII: Definition and representative values for macroscopic dimensionless
numbers in different porous media on laboratory
(llab≈0.1m) and
reservoir scale (lres≈100m) under uniform flow
conditions (u≈3×10-6ms-1).
Quantity |
Definition |
Unconsolidated Sand |
Sandstone |
Limestone |
Laboratory |
Reservoir |
Laboratory |
Reservoir |
Laboratory |
Reservoir |
Gr¯𝕎 |
μ𝕎ϕ¯uρ𝕎gk |
0.01 |
0.13 |
18.6 |
Ca¯𝕎 |
μ𝕎ϕ¯ulkP¯b |
0.005 |
4.9 |
0.015 |
15.0 |
0.19 |
187.5 |
Gl¯𝕎 |
ρ𝕎glP¯b |
0.5 |
492 |
0.1 |
115 |
0.01 |
10 |
Λ |
kϕ¯ |
5.2μm |
1.3μm |
0.1μm |
Ca𝕎/Ca¯𝕎 |
ΛlJS¯bcosθ |
1.5⋅10-4 |
1.5⋅10-7 |
4.8⋅10-6 |
4.8⋅10-9 |
2.8⋅10-7 |
2.8⋅10-10 |
CacCa¯𝕎Ca𝕎 |
ΛlJS¯bcosθ |
0.67 |
--- |
0.63 |
--- |
0.71 |
--- |
To estimate the dimensionless numbers the same microscopic velocity
u≈3×10-6ms-1 as for the
microscopic estimates will be used. The length scale l, however,
differs between a laboratory displacement and a reservoir process.
llab≈0.1m and lres≈100m
are used as representative values.
Combining these values with those in Table IV and VI
yields the results shown in Table VII.
The first row in Table VII can be used to check the consistency
of the Buckley-Leverett approximation with the traditional normalization.
The consistency condition (Eq. (6.61)) is violated for
unconsolidated sand and sandstones. Such a conclusion, of course,
assumes that the values given in Table VI are representative
for these media.
The fifth row in Table VII gives the ratio between macroscopic
and microscopic capillary numbers which according to Eq. (6.63)
is length scale dependent. The last row in Table VII compares this
ratio to the typical critical capillary number Cac reported for
laboratory desaturation curves in the different porous media.
Using the Cac≈10-4 for sand,
Cac≈3⋅10-6 for sandstone, and
Cac≈2⋅10-7 for limestone [28]
as before one finds that the corresponding critical macroscopic
capillary number is close to 1.
This indicates that the macroscopic capillary number is indeed
an appropriate measure of the relative strength of viscous and
capillary forces.
As a consequence one expects differences between residual oil saturation
S𝕆r in laboratory and reservoir floods. Given a laboratory
measured capillary desaturation curve S𝕆rCa𝕎 as a function
of the microscopic capillary number Ca𝕎 the analysis predicts
that the residual oil saturation in a reservoir flood can be estimated
from the laboratory curve as S𝕆rCac⋅Ca¯𝕎
[47, 48].
For Ca¯𝕎>1 the S𝕆r value based on macroscopic capillary
numbers will in general be lower than the value S𝕆rCa𝕎
expected from using microscopic capillary numbers. Such differences have
been frequently observed, and Morrow [361] has recently raised the
question why field recoveries are sometimes significantly higher than
those observed in the laboratory. The revised macroscopic analysis of
[47, 48] suggests a possible answer to this question.
The values of the dimensionless numbers in Table VII allow an assessment
of the relative importance of the different forces for a displacement.
To illustrate this consider the values Gr¯𝕎=0.01, Ca¯𝕎=0.005
and Gl¯𝕎=0.5 for unconsolidated sand on the laboratory scale.
A moments reflection shows that this implies V≪G≈C
where V stands for macroscopic viscous forces, C for macroscopic
capillary forces, and G for gravity forces. The notation A≪B
indicates that A/B<10-2 while A<B means 10-2<A/B<0.5
and A≈B stands for 0.5<A/B<2.
Repeating this for all cases in Table VII yields the results shown in
Table VIII. Table VIII contains also the results from the microscopic
dimensional analysis, as well as the results one would obtain from a
traditional macroscopic dimensional analysis which assumes Ca¯=1 (see Eq.
Table VIII: Relative importance of viscous (V), gravity (G) and
capillary (C) forces in unconsolidated sand, sandstone and limestone.
The notation A≪B (with A,B∈V,G,C)
indicates that
A/B<10-2 while A<B means 10-2<A/B<0.5
and A≈B stands for 0.5<A/B<2.
Sand |
Sandstone |
Limestone |
pore scale |
V≪G≪C |
traditional analysis |
V=C≪G |
V=C<G |
G<V=C |
large scale |
[47] |
laboratory scale |
V≪G≈C |
V<G<C |
G<V<C |
[48] |
field scale |
C<V≪G |
C<V<G |
C<G<V |
Obviously, the relative importance of the different forces may change
depending on the type of medium, the characteristic fluid velocities
and the length scale. Perhaps this explains part of the general difficulty
of scaling up from the laboratory to the reservoir scale for immiscible
VI.C.6 Applications
The characteristic macroscopic velocities, length scales and kinematic
viscosities defined respectively in equations (6.66),
(6.67) and (6.68) are intrinsic physical characteristics
of the porous media and the fluid displacement processes.
These characteristics can be useful in applications such as
estimating the width of a gravitational segregation front, the
energy input required to mobilize residual oil or gravitational
relaxation times.
The macroscopic gravillary number Gl¯𝕎 defines an intrinsic
length scale l*¯𝕎 (see Eq. (6.65)). Because Gl¯𝕎
gives the ratio of the
gravity to the capillary forces the length l*¯𝕎 directly
gives the width of a gravitational segregation front when the
fluids are at rest and in gravitational equilibrium, i.e. when
viscous forces are negligible or absent. Using the same estimates
for ϕ¯,k and P¯b as those used for Table VII one obtains
a characteristic front width of 20cm for unconsolidated sand,
1m for sandstone, and roughly 10m for a low permeability
Similarly, the macroscopic capillary number defines an intrinsic
specific action (or energy input) ν*¯𝕎 via Eq. (6.63)
which is the energy input required to mobilize residual oil if
gravity forces may be considered negligible or absent. Represenative
estimates are given in Table IX below.
The gravitational relaxation time is the time needed to return to
gravitational equilibrium after its disturbance. This may be defined
from the balance of gravitational forces versus the combined effect
of viscous and capillary forces. Analogous to equation (6.35)
for the microscopic case the dimensionless ratio becomes
Gl¯𝕎Gr¯𝕎 | = | macr. gravitational pressure2macr. capillary pressure×macr. viscous pressure drop |
| (6.73) |
| = | Ca¯𝕎Gr¯𝕎2=ρ𝕎2g2klμ𝕎ϕ¯P¯bu=tt*¯𝕎 |
which defines the gravitational relaxation time t*¯𝕎 as
t*¯𝕎=l*¯𝕎u*¯𝕎=μ𝕎ϕ¯P¯bρ𝕎2g2k. |
| (6.74) |
Estimated values are given in Table IX. They correspond to gravitational
relaxation times of roughly
10 minutes for unconsolidated sand, 13 hours for a sandstone
and 736 days for a low permeability limestone.
Another interesting intrinsic number arises from comparing the strength
of macroscopic capillary forces versus the combined effect of viscous and
gravity forces
Gl¯𝕎Ca¯𝕎-1 | = | macr. capillary pressure2macr. grav. pressure×macr. viscous pressure drop |
| (6.75) |
| = | Gr¯𝕎Ca¯𝕎2=kP¯b2ϕ¯μ𝕎ρ𝕎gul2=Q*¯𝕎Q |
where Q denotes the volumetric flow rate. Thus Q*¯𝕎 defined as
Q*¯𝕎=l*¯𝕎2u*¯𝕎=kP¯b2ϕ¯μ𝕎ρ𝕎g |
| (6.76) |
is an intrinsic system specific characteristic flow rate.
The estimates for ν*¯𝕎,u*¯𝕎,l*¯𝕎,t*¯𝕎 and Q*¯𝕎
are summarized in Table IX.
Table IX: Characteristic macroscopic energies, velocities, length
scales, time scales and volumetric flow rates for oil-water flow
under reservoir conditions in unconsolidated sand, sandstone and
low permeability limestone.
Quantity |
Sand |
Sandstone |
Limestone |
ν*¯𝕎 |
6.1⋅10-5m2s-1 |
2.0⋅10-5m2s-1 |
1.6⋅10-6m2s-1 |
u*¯𝕎 |
2.99⋅10-4ms-1 |
2.17⋅10-5ms-1 |
1.61⋅10-7ms-1 |
l*¯𝕎 |
0.2m |
1.02m |
10.2m |
t*¯𝕎 |
669s |
4.7⋅104 s |
6.36⋅107 s |
Q*¯ |
1.22⋅10-6m3s-1 |
2.04⋅10-5m3s-1 |
1.63⋅10-5m3s-1 |
In summary, the dimensional analysis of the upscaling problem
for two phase immiscible displacement suggests to normalize the
macroscopic pressure field in a way which differs from the
traditional normalization.
This gives rise to a macroscopic capillary number Ca¯ which
differs from the traditional microscopic capillary number Ca
in that it depends on length scale and the breakthrough capillary
pressure P¯b.
The traditional normalization corresponds to the tacit
assumption that viscous and capillary forces are of equal magnitude.
With the new macroscopic capillary number Ca¯ the breakpoint
Cac in capillary desaturation curves seems to occur
at Ca¯≈1 for all types of porous media.
Representative estimates of Ca¯ for unconsolidated sand, sandstones
and limestones suggest that the residual oil saturation after a field
flood will in general differ from that after a laboratory flood performed
under the same conditions.
Order of magnitude estimates of gravitational relaxation times and
segregation front widths for different media are consistent with