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2 Time Flow and Induced Transformations

[550.4.1]Let Γ be the phase or state space of a dynamical system, let G be a σ-algebra of measurable subsets of Γ, and μ a measure on G such that μΓ=1.[550.4.2]The triple Γ,G,μ forms a probability measure space.[550.4.3]In general the time evolution of the system is given as a flow (or semiflow) on Γ,G,μ, defined as a one-parameter family of maps T~t:ΓΓ such that T~0=I is the identity, T~s+t=T~sT~t for all t,sR and such that for every measurable function f the function fT~tx is measurable on the direct product Γ×R.[550.4.4]For every GG also T~G,T~-1GG holds.[550.4.5]The measure μ is called invariant under the flow T~t if μG=μT~tG=μT~t-1G for all tR,GG.[550.4.6]An invariant measure is called ergodic if it cannot be decomposed into a convex combination of invariant measures, i.e. if μ=λμ1+1-λμ2 with μ1,μ2 invariant and 0λ1 implies λ=1,μ1=μ or λ=0,μ2=μ.

[550.5.1]The flow T~t defines the time evolution of measures through TtμG=μT~tG as a map Tt:ΓΓ on the space Γ of measures on Γ.[550.5.2]Defining as usual [22, 23] μG,t=μT~t-1G shows that

TtμG,t0=μG,t0-t (1)

and thus the flow Tt acts on measures as a right translation in time.[550.5.3]The existence of the inverse Tt-1=T-t for a flow expresses microscopic reversibility.[550.5.4]The infinitesimal [page 551, §0]   generator of Tt is defined (assuming all the necessary structure for Γ and Tt) as the strong limit

A=limt0+Tt-It (2)

where I=T0 denotes the identity, and one has A=-d/dt for right translations.[551.0.1]The invariance of the measure μ can be expressed as Aμ=-dμ/dt=0 and it implies that for given t0R

TtμG,t0=μG,t0 (3)

for all GG,tR.

[551.1.1]The continuous time evolution T~t with tR may be discretized into the discrete time evolution T~k with kZ generated by the map T~=T~Δt with discretization time step Δt.[551.1.2]Consider an arbitrary subset GΓ corresponding to a physically interesting reduced or coarse grained description of the original dynamical system.[551.1.3]Not all choices of G correspond to a physically interesting situation, and the choice of G reflects physical modeling or insight.[551.1.4]A point xG is called recurrent with respect to G if there exists a k1 for which T~kxG.[551.1.5]The Poincarè recurrence theorem asserts that if μ is invariant under T~ and GG then almost every point of G is recurrent with respect to G.[551.1.6]A set GG is called a μ-recurrent set if μ-almost every xG is recurrent with respect to G.[551.1.7]By virtue of Poincarè’s recurrence theorem the transformation T~ defines an induced transformation S~G on subsets G of positive measure, μG>0, through

S~Gxt0=T~τGxxt0=xt0+τGx (4)

for almost every xG.[551.1.8]The recurrence time τGx of the point x, defined as

τGx=Δtmink1:T~kxG, (5)

is positive and finite for almost every point xG.[551.1.9]Because G has positive measure it becomes a probability measure space with the induced measure ν=μ/μG.[551.1.10]If μ was invariant under T~ then ν is invariant under S~G, and ergodicity of μ implies ergodicity also for ν [22].

[551.2.1]The induced transformation S~G:GG exists for μ-almost every xG with μG>0 by virtue of the Poincare recurrence theorem.[551.2.2]To extend the definition to the case μG=0 let G,G,ν denote a subspace GΓ of measure μG=0 with σ-algebra G contained in G, GG, in the sense that BG for all BG.[551.2.3]μB=0 for all BG while νB= for all sets BG with μB>0.[551.2.4]Let 0<νG<.[551.2.5]If G is ν-recurrent under T~ in the sense that ν-almost every point (rather than μ) is recurrent with respect to G then the recurrence time τGx and the map S~G are defined for ν-almost every point xG.[551.2.6]Throughout the following it will be assumed that G is ν-recurrent under T~, and that νGS~GG=0.[551.2.7]An example is given by solidification where Γ represents the high temperature phase space, while G corresponds to the phase space at low temperatures when a large number of nuclear translational degrees of freedom is frozen out.

[551.3.1]The pointwise definition of S~G can be extended to a transformation on measures by averaging over the recurrence times.[551.3.2]This extension was first given in [21].[551.3.3]Let

Gk=xG:τx=kΔt (6)

be the set of points whose recurrence time is kΔt.[551.3.4]The number

pk=νGkνG (7)

[page 552, §0]   is the probability to find a recurrence time kΔt with kN.[552.0.1]The numbers pk define a discrete (lattice) probability density pkδt-kΔt concentrated on the arithmetic progression kΔt,kN.[552.0.2]The induced transformation SG acting on a measure ϱ on G is defined as the mathematical expectation

SGϱB,t0=TτGϱB,t0=k=1ϱB,t0-kΔtpk (8)

where BG, and Tt was given in (1).[552.0.3]This defines a transformation SG:GG on the space G of measures on G.[552.0.4]The next section discusses the iterated transformation SGN and the long time limit N.