6.1 Exact Results
[235.1.3] One of the main goals in studying the microstructure of porous
media is to identify geometric observables that correlate
strongly with macroscopic physical transport properties.
[235.1.4] To achieve this it is not only necessary to evaluate
the geometric observables.
[235.1.5] One also needs to calculate the effective transport
properties exactly, in order to be able to correlate them
with geometrical and structural properties.
[235.1.6] Exact solutions are now becoming available
and this section reviews exact results obtained recently in cooperation
with J. Widjajakusuma [10, 65, 67].
[235.1.7] For the disordered potential problem, specified above in equations
(2) through (7), the effective macroscopic
transport parameter C¯ is defined by
where the brackets denote an ensemble average over the
disorder defined in (25).
[235.1.8] The value of C¯ can be computed numerically
[66, 33].
[235.1.9] For the following results the material parameters
were chosen as
[235.1.10] Thus in the usual language of transport problems
the pore space is conducting while the matrix space
is chosen as nonconducting.
[235.1.11] Equations (2) through (7) need to be
supplemented with boundary conditions on the surface
of S.
[235.1.12] A fixed potential gradient was applied between two
parallel faces of the cubic sample S, and
no-flow boundary condition were enforced on the
four remaining faces of S.
[235.2.1] The macroscopic effective transport properties
are known to show strong sample to sample
[235.2.2] Because calculation of C¯ requires
a disorder average the four
microsctructures were subdivided into eight
octants of size 128×128×128.
[235.2.3] For each octant three values of C¯ were
obtained from the exact solution corresponding
to application of the potential gradient in
the x-, y- and z-direction.
[235.2.4] The values of C obtained from dividing the
measured current by the applied potential
gradient were then averaged.
[235.2.5] Table 3 collects the mean and the
standard deviation from these exact calculations.
[235.2.6] The standard
[page 236, §0]
deviations in Table 3 show that
the fluctuations in C¯ are indeed rather strong.
[236.0.1] If the system is ergodic then one expects that C¯
can also be calculated from the exact solution
for the full sample.
[236.0.2] For sample EX the exact transport coefficient for the
full sample is C¯x=0.02046 in the
x-direction, C¯y=0.02193 in the
y-direction, and C¯z=0.01850 in the
z-direction [65].
[236.0.3] All of these are seen to fall within one standard
deviation of C¯.
[236.0.4] The numerical values have been confirmed
independently by [47].
[236.1.1] Finally it is interesting to observe that C¯
seems to correlate strongly with p3L shown
in Figure 11.
[236.1.2] This result emphasizes the importance of non-Hadwiger
functionals because by construction there is no
relationship between C¯ and porosity, specific
surface and correlation functions.
Table 3: Average and standard deviation σ for effective
macroscopic transport property C¯ calculated from
subsamples (octants) for CP=1 and CM=0.
C¯ |
0.01880 |
0.01959 |
0.00234 |
0.00119 |
σ |
±0.00852 |
±0.00942 |
±0.00230 |
±0.00234 |
6.2 Mean Field Results
[236.1.3] According to the general criteria discussed above
in Section 3.1 a geometrical
characterization of random
media should be usable in approximate calculations of
transport properties.
[236.1.4] In practice the full threedimensional
microstructure is usually not available in detail,
and only approximate calculations can be made
that are based on partial geometric knowledge.
[236.2.1] Local porosity theory [27, 28] was developed as a
generalized effective medium approximation for C¯
that utilizes the partial geometric characterization
contained in the quantities μ and λ.
[236.2.2] It is therefore useful to compare the predictions
from local porosity theory with those from simpler
mean field approximations.
[236.2.3] The latter will be the
Clausius-Mossotti approximation with P as background phase
C¯cϕ¯=CP1-1-ϕ¯1-CM/CP-1-ϕ¯/3=CP3CM+2ϕ¯CP-CM3CP-ϕ¯CP-CM, | | (70) |
[page 237, §0]
the Clausius-Mossotti approximation with M as background phase
C¯bϕ¯=CM1-ϕ¯1-CP/CM-1-1-ϕ¯/3=CM2CM+CP+2ϕ¯CP-CM2CM+CP-ϕ¯CP-CM, | | (71) |
and the self-consistent effective medium approximation
[37, 35]
ϕ¯CP-C¯CP+2C¯+1-ϕ¯CM-C¯CM+2C¯=0 | | (72) |
which leads to a quadratic equation for C¯.
[237.0.1] The subscripts b and c in (71) and (70)
stand for "blocking" and "conducting".
[237.0.2] In all of these mean field approximations the porosity
ϕ¯ is the only geometric observable representing
the influence of the microstructure.
[237.0.3] Thus two microstructures having the same porosity ϕ¯
are predicted to have the same transport parameter C¯.
[237.0.4] Conversely,
measurement of C¯ combined with the knowledge of CM,CP
allows to deduce the porosity from such formulae.
[237.1.1] If the microstructure is known to be homogeneous and isotropic with
bulk porosity ϕ¯, and if CP>CM, then the
rigorous bounds [24, 8, 62]
hold, where the upper and the lower bound are given by
the Clausius-Mossotti formulae, eqs. (71) and
[237.1.2] For CP<CM the bounds are reversed.
[237.2.1] The proposed selfconsistent approximations for the effective
transport coefficient of local porosity theory reads [27]
∫01C¯cϕ-C¯C¯cϕ+2C¯λ3ϕ,Lμϕ,Ldϕ+∫01C¯bϕ-C¯C¯bϕ+2C¯1-λ3ϕ,Lμϕ,Ldϕ=0 | | (74) |
where C¯bϕ and C¯cϕ are given in eqs. (71) and
[237.2.2] Note that (74) is still preliminary,
and a generalization is in preparation.
[237.2.3] A final form requires generalization to tensorial
percolation probabilities and transport parameters.
[237.2.4] Equation (74) is a generalization of the
effective medium approximation.
[237.2.5] In fact, it reduces to eq. (72) in the limit L→0.
[237.2.6] In the limit L→∞ it also reduces to eq. (72)
albeit with ϕ¯ in eq. (72) replaced with λ3ϕ¯.
[237.2.7] In both limits the basic assumptions underlying all effective
medium approaches become invalid.
[237.2.8] For small L the local geometries become strongly
correlated, and this is at variance with the basic
assumption of weak or no correlations.
[237.2.9] For large L on the other hand the assumption that
the local geometry is sufficiently simple becomes
invalid [27].
[237.2.10] Hence one expects that formula (74) will yield
good results only for intermediate L.
[237.2.11] The question which L to choose has been discussed
in the literature
[page 238, §0]
[12, 3, 10, 66, 33].
[238.0.1] For the results in Table 4 the so called percolation
length Lp has been used which
is defined through the condition
assuming that it is unique.
[238.0.2] The idea behind this definition is that at the inflection
point the function p3L changes most rapidly from its
trivial value p30=ϕ¯ at small L to its equally
trivial value p3∞=1 at large L (assuming that the
pore space percolates).
The length Lp is typically larger than the
correlation length calculated from Gr[10, 11].
[238.1.1] The results obtained by the various mean field approximations
are collected in Table 4 [65, 67].
[238.1.2] The exact result is obtained by averaging the three values
for the full sample EX given in the previous section.
[238.1.3] The additional geometric information contained
in μ and λ seems to give an improved
estimate for the transport coefficient.
Table 4: Effective
macroscopic transport property C¯ calculated from
Clausius-Mossotti approximations (C¯c ,C¯b),
effective medium theory C¯EMA and local
porosity theory C¯LPT compared with the
exact result C¯exact (for CP=1 and CM=0).
C¯c |
C¯b |
C¯exact |
0.094606 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.025115 |
0.020297 |