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4 Indistinguishability of states

[632.3.1] Experimental uncertainties limit also the ability to distinguish different states. [632.3.2] Two states are experimentally indistinguishable (or metrologically equivalent) if they cannot be distinguished by measurements. [632.3.3] Let m< denote the maximal number of experiments that can be performed to distinguish the states of the system. [632.3.4] Let Ai1mA with i=1,,m denote the observables in these experiments, and let ηi (i=1,,m) be the experimental resolutions or accuracy that can be attained for Ai. [632.3.5] Two states z,zZ with


for all i=1,,m are called metrologically equivalent or experimentally indistinguishable with respect to the observables A1,,Am. [632.3.6] The sets of indistinguishable states


are η-neighborhoods of z in the weak* topology [17]. [632.3.7] The algebra M generated by the elements A1,,AmA will be called macroscopic algebra.

[632.4.1] In the following 0<ηi< and 0<η=maxiηi< will be assumed. [632.4.2] The η-neighborhoods of ε-almost invariant states, i.e. the sets Nz;A1m,ηBε with zB0 for small ε,η0 will be the candidates for local (in time) stationary states.