[p. 398l, §1]
The upsurge of fractal models in the study of transport properties
of disordered materials poses the question whether the Einstein relation
whose derivation depends on spatial homogeneity is also valid for fractals
or other inhomogeneous structures [1, 2].
Recently a general probabilistic analogue of the Einstein relation
as a connection between mean first-passage times and passage probabilities
in general Markov chains was identified [3, 4].
Here we present a more compact derivation.
[p. 398l, §2]
We will start with a simple probabilistic argument for the basic relation.
We then interpret the result and apply it to finitely ramified fractals.
Form these considerations we obtain the so-called fractal Einstein relation [5].
Finally, we use mean-first-passage times to give the star-triangle transformation
for Markov chains and calculate exactly the fracton (spectral) dimension of fractal trees.
We emphasize the relevance of our results for simulation and experiment.
[p. 398l, §3]
Let us begin by presenting a simple connection between first-passage times
and first-passage probabilities in a finite-dimensional Markov chain.
A finite-dimensional Markov chain can be visualized as a walker (or particle)
moving randomly between a finite number of states (sites).
The transitions of the walker from site i to site j
are governed by a transition matrix W whose elements ωij
give the single-step transition probabilities.
For simplicity we assume the chain to be ergodic, i. e.,
for every pair of sites i,j there is a minimal integer n such that Wnij>0.
Thus, after sufficiently long times, the chain reaches stationarity
where every state has a nonzero dwelling probability.
Our objective is now to describe the spatiotemporal behavior
by studying the transitions between two predetermined states.
[p. 398l, §4]
Let T0bt denote the probability density that a walker
starting form site 0 at time t=0 will reach the site b
for the first time after time t.
Let T0b′t be the conditional probability density
for first reaching b after a time t under the restriction
that the starting point 0 is not visited.
Let the density T00t describe the regeneration time between two visits to the
point 0.
Analogously, T00′t is the first-passage-time density
from 0 to 0 conditioned on not reaching b.
We call p the conditional probability that the walker
after starting at 0 returns to 0 without having visited b.
With probability q=1-p the walker passes directly form 0 to b
without ever returning to 0.
In Markov chain theory q is called the harmonic measure relative to the boundary b.
[p. 398r, §5]
The probability density T0bt governing the time
between start at 0 and the first visit to b consists of two parts.
With probability p the walker will visit its starting point 0
for a second or third time before reaching b.
Upon such a visit he starts anew because of the Markov property.
Therefore, in this case the random transition time is the sum of the random time
for conditional regeneration governed by T00′t
and the unconditioned first-passage time T0bt.
On the other hand, the walker manages with probability q
to pass directly to site b without revisiting 0.
Thence, we find
T0bt=pT00′t∗T0bt+qT0b′t, | | (1) |
where ∗ denotes convolution as is appropiate for sums of random variables.
Analogously a regeneration at the origin takes place either without visiting b
or via a direct visit to b and a subsequent transition from b to 0.
That implies a second relation,
T00t=pT00′t+qT0b′t∗Tb0t. | | (1) |
Laplace transforming equations (1a) und (1b) we obtain
T0bu | =pT00′uT0bu+qT0b′u, | | (2a) |
T00u | =pT00′u+qT0b′uTb0u. | | (2b) |
Inserting qT0b′ from eq. (2a) into (2b) yields
pT00′u=T00u-T0buTb0u1-T0buTb0u. | | (3) |
In the limit u→0 we get, using T0=1 and
[p. 399l, §0]
the desired result for the mean-first-passage times T,
[p. 399l, §1]
This relation may be visualized as follows.
One out of 1/q walkers will arrive at b without having revisited 0.
Therefore, launching successively walkers form 0,
one has to wait on the average 1/q times the mean regeneration time T00
until one of them will return who has reached the prescribed point b.
[p. 399l, §2]
We now argue that eq. (4) is indeed
a probabilistic analogue of the Einstein relation.
It is furthermore a generalization in the sense that it is valid
for arbitrary inhomogeneous (including fractal) geometries.
For this to be valid we have to identify the quantities analogous
to the diffusion constant and the conductivity.
[p. 399l, §3]
To identify the diffusion constant we note that the relation r2t∝t
for the mean square displacement of a random walk in Euclidean space
is also valid in the form tr∝r2.
Here tr is the mean first-exit time for the random walk
to leave a sphere of radius r around its starting point [6].
This is a consequence of the invariance of the Wiener process
under the transformation t↦b2t,r↦br with b>0.
If rt is a realization of the random process then also r′t=brt/b2 is a realization.
Thus, the time t1 when rt exits for the first time
a sphere of radius 1 around its origin defines also
the first-exit time t1′=b2t1 for the scaled trajectory
and a sphere of radius b.
It follows that the mean-first-exit time scales as tb∝b2 in regular geometries.
With this in mind we can thus take DL≡L2/TL
as the definition of a generalized scale-dependent diffusion coefficient
in an arbitrary inhomogeneous structure of linear dimension L.
[p. 399l, §4]
To identify the conductivity we have to look at a different physical situation.
We need to introduce an external potential into our random-walk picture.
This is done by assuming that the walker has a probability ρ
of being absorbed at b and subsequently being replaced at site 0.
This “voltage source” between 0 and b will establish a probability
current depending on the magnitude of the “potential” ρ.
If N walkers are starting from the origin
then Nq of them will reach b without having returned to 0.
On the average there will be
walkers passing through the voltage source between b and 0.
In equilibrium the probability current is thus equal to n/N
and we recognize (5) as Ohm’s law if q interpreted as the conductance.
For a system of linear dimension L and cross section A
the probabilistic conductivity is then defined as σ=qL/A.
This identifies the probability q as the essential quantity for the conductivity.
[p. 399l, §5]
We can now return to the pure-random-walk picture without external potential.
Assuming T0b=Tb0 for the mean-first-passage time
to the boundary at a distance L form the starting point 0 we get from eq. (4)
T00=2σVT0b/L2∝L22σV/D, | |
where V is the corresponding volume.
We remember that T00 is the stationary regeneration time
(in the absence of the external potential) and hence independent of ρ.
We thus arrive at the Einstein relation σ∝D.
Independent of us, Gefen and Goldhirsch [7] have recently developed a similar picture.
[p. 399r, §6]
We proceed to apply this result to a fractal structure.
Consider a finitely ramified fractal lattice such as the Sierpinski gasket or its extensions.
A finite order of ramification [8, 9] can be roughly
characterized by the following two neccessary conditions:
(1) The finite lattice obtained after n steps
of the iterative construction of the fractal (called stage-n structure)
is connected through only a finite number of “contact sites” with the infinite lattice.
(2) For every n the contact sites of a stage-ö-structure
can ba mapped bijectively to those of a stage-n+1 structure.
This implies that a random walker on a finitely ramified fractal
can leave or enter a stage-n substructure only through a well-defined
finite set of boundary (contact) sites (“bottlenecks”).
[p. 399r, §7]
We now decompose the transition matrix Wn of a stage-n structure
according to its boundary sites and its interior sites as
An index 1 corresponds to interior points, 2 to boundary sites.
We then recall from Markov-chain theory that the mean-first-passage time
for a random walker starting at the interior site i in the stage-n structure
is the ith component of the vector Tn given by
Here the second equality defines the matrix G, called the Green’s kernel,
I is the identity matrix, and 1 denotes a vector whose components are 1.
[p. 399r, §8]
Our goal is to calculate the dynamical critical exponent z for the fractal.
The dynamical exponent governs the diffusive behavior on the fractal [10, 11]
according to r2t∝t2/z or, equivalently, Tr∝rz
in terms of the mean-first-passage time.
In the Euclidean case one has z=2.
If the fractal dimension for the lattice is d¯=logN/logb
then z is related to the fracton (spectral) dimension d~ by z=2d¯/d~.
Here b is the length scaling factor and N is defined by
Nn being the number of lattice points in a stage-n structure.
To calculate z we wish to utilize our probabilistic Einstein relation, equation (4).
For this we consider a random walk starting at a junction of stage-n structures in the fractal lattice.
If m stage-n structures meet at 0 then the number of points
in this finite sublattice is roughly mNn.
In the long-time limit the stationary probabilities are thus proportional to 1/mNn.
If the walker makes one step per unit time he spends a fraction
of roughly 1/mNn of his steps at the origin.
Thus we have Tn;00∝Nn for the regeneration time on the stage-n structure.
[p. 400l, §0]
If we now compare a stage-n with a stage-n+1 structure we obtain from equation (4)
Nn+1Nn=qn+1Tn+1qnTn. | | (8) |
Here Tn is the mean-first-passage time to a boundary point
and qn is the probability of reaching one of the boundary points without returning to 0.
Since we have assumed dynamic scaling in the form Tr∝rz
it follows that κ≡limn→∞Tn+1/Tn exists
and we can pass to the limit n→∞ which yields
where h≡limn→∞qn+1/qn.
Equation (9) has been called the fractal Einstein relation [5, 12].
It is sometimes written z=d¯+ζ, where ζ denotes
the length-scaling exponent for the conductivity [1, 13].
This form is obtained from eq. (9) by taking logarithms
and dividing by the logarithm of the length scaling factor b.
[p. 400l, §1]
We pause to discuss the significance of these results.
First, we remark that for the case of finitely ramified fractals it can be shown [3]
that the probabilities qn obey a monotonicity property in the form 0≤qn+1≤qn≤1.
This leads to the relation d~≤2, expressing an interessting connection
between geometric and dynamic properties.
Second, eqs. (8) und (9) give rise to a straightforward method
of calculating z from numerical similations.
One simply measures directly the mean-first-passage times for two scaled structures.
Taking their ratios gives κ and thus z.
While exact calculations are restricted to finitely ramified fractals
one can use eqs. (8) und (9) on any network as an approximate method.
We expect that this method will converge faster
than directly recording r2t and deducing z from r2t∝t2/z.
However, care has to be exercised because κ is defined as the limit n→∞
and it is neccessary to check in any application whether a further increase
in the size of the structure will singificantly alter the value of κ.
Apart from being easily accessible in simulation and numerical calculations [14, 15]
mean-first-passage times can be measured directly in photoconductivity experiments
on amorphous materials [16], while any experimental determination
of r2t has to be indirect.
[p. 400l, §2]
We conclude this paper with two applications.
First, we derive the probabilistic analogue
of the star-triangle transformation for resistor networks.
Second, we calculate the fracton dimension for a fractal tree.
Both calculations depend on the method of using mean-first-passage times.
[p. 400l, §3]
Consider the Markov chains for a star and a triangle as specified
through the transition matrices,
WΔ=1-ω1-ω2ω1ω2ω11-ω1-ω3ω3ω3ω21-ω2-ω3 | |
W*=1-ω1′00ω1′01-ω2′0ω2′001-ω3′ω3′ω1′ω2′ω3′1-ω1′-ω2′-ω3′. | |
The mean-first-passage times to a site j are obtained
by eliminating the jth row and column from WΔ and W*, respectively,
and solving the linear system of equations I-W⌃T=1,
where W⌃ denotes a reduced transition matrix.
We demand that the mean-first-passage times
between any two corresponding points i and j (i,j=1,2,3) are equal.
Solving the resulting systems of linear equations one obtains the star-triangle relations
| ω1′=34ω2-1ω3-1ω1-1+ω2-1+ω3-1, | | (10) |
| ω2′=34ω1-1ω3-1ω1-1+ω2-1+ω3-1, | | (11) |
| ω3′=34ω1-1ω2-1ω1-1+ω2-1+ω3-1. | | (12) |
Except for the factor 34 this is exactly the star-triangle transformation
for resistor networks if one identifies 1/ω with the resistance R.
As a final application we determine the fracton dimension
of the fractal tree shown in Figure 1.
Because of its dangling ends this cannot be calculated exactly
via the usual real-space renormalization approach.
On the other hand, using the equations for mean-first-passage times,
mentioned above, we obtain [3] the exact scaling factor
κ=6 already from stages n=1,2,3.
From this the fracton dimension follows
as d~=2log3/log6≈1.226….
[p. 400r, §4]
In this paper we have exploited the intimate connections between the mathematical
foundations of the Einstein
[p. 401l, §0]
relation and the theory of stochastic processes.
We have exerted ourselves for a concise derivation of the mathematical result
in order to focus on its interpretation and applicability.
In a more systematic approach eq. (4)
is found to follow from a general relation between generating functions
for conditional first-passage probabilities [4].
Here we have established in a probabilistic framework the links between the mathematical
approach and the physical picture, both for the ordinary
and for the Einstein relation.
These results could be used directly in simulation studies and experiments
on transport in inhomogeneous media, regardless of whether the systems behave fractally or not.