2.1 Balance Laws
[page 509, §1]
[509.1.1] Consider a onedimensional, homogeneous, isotropic and incompressible
porous column filled with two immiscible Newtonian fluids.
[509.1.2] In a one dimensional model
transversal variations and column thickness are neglected.
[509.1.3] Let
SW=SWx,t denote the saturation of wetting fluid (called
water), and SO=SOx,t the saturation of nonwetting
fluid (called oil).
[509.1.4] Here time is t≥0,
and x∈0,L is the position in a column of length L.
[509.1.5] Each of the two fluid phases is considered to consist of a continuous,
mobile, percolating subphase, and of a discontinuous, isolated, trapped
or nonpercolating subphase as discussed in
[23, 28, 25, 24, 26].
[509.1.6] Following the notation of [26] the percolating phase of water is
[page 510, §0]
indexed by i=1 and its nonpercolating phase is
indexed by i=2.
[510.0.1] The water saturation is then SW=S1+S2.
[510.0.2] The percolating oil phase is indexed as
i=3 and its nonpercolating phase by i=4.
[510.0.3] The oil saturation is SO=S3+S4.
[510.0.4] The volume fraction ϕi of phase i is defined
as ϕi=ϕSi
where the volume fraction of the pore space, also called porosity,
is ϕ.
[510.0.5] The volume fraction of the solid matrix is
denoted as ϕ5=1-ϕ.
[510.0.6] Volume conservation requires
ϕ1+ϕ2+ϕ3+ϕ4+ϕ5 | =1 | | (1a) |
S1+S2+S3+S4 | =1 | | (1b) |
to hold.
[510.1.1] The mass balance of fluid phase i can be expressed in differential form as
∂ϕiϱi∂t+∂ϕiϱivi∂x=Mi | | (2) |
where ϱix,t,ϕix,t,vix,t
are mass density, volume fraction and velocity
of phase i as functions of position
x∈S=0,L⊂R and time t∈R+.
[510.1.2] Mi is the mass transfer rate from all other phases into phase i.
[510.2.1] The momentum balance is written as (i=1,2,3,4)
ϕiϱiDiDtvi-ϕi∂Σi∂x-ϕiFi=mi-viMi | | (3) |
where Σi is the stress tensor in the ith phase, Fi is
the body force per unit volume acting on the ith phase,
mi is the momentum transfer into phase i from
all the other phases, and
Di/Dt=∂/∂t+vi∂/∂x denotes
the material derivative for phase i.
[510.2.2] The stress tensor for the nonpercolating phases is defined
as the momentum
flux across surfaces in the threedimensional continuum
(see [29] for more discussion).
2.2 Constitutive Assumptions
[510.3.1] For a macroscopically homogeneous porous medium
is assumed.
[510.3.2] Incompressible fluids are assumed so that their densities
ϱ1x,t | =ϱW | | (5a) |
ϱ2x,t | =ϱW | | (5b) |
ϱ3x,t | =ϱO | | (5c) |
ϱ4x,t | =ϱO | | (5d) |
are independent of x,t.
[510.4.1] The percolating and the nonpercolating phases
are able to exchange mass through breakup and
coalescence of droplets, ganglia and clusters.
[510.4.2] The mass transfer rates must depend
on rates of saturation change.
[510.4.3] They are here assumed to be
M1 | =-M2=η2ϕϱW(S2-S2*SW*-SW)∂SW∂t | | (6a) |
M3 | =-M4=η4ϕϱO(S4-S4*SO*-SO)∂SO∂t | | (6b) |
[page 511, §0]
where η2,η4 are constants.
[511.0.1] The parameters SW*,SO*, S2*,S4*
are defined by
SW* | =1-SOrΘ∂tSW+SWi1-Θ∂tSW | | (7a) |
SO* | =1-SW* | | (7b) |
S2* | =SWi1-Θ∂tSW | | (7c) |
S4* | =SOrΘ∂tSW | | (7d) |
where SWi,SOr are limiting saturations for S2,S4.
[511.0.2] In eq. (7) the shorthand ∂t=∂/∂t
is used and
Θx=1for x>0,0for x≤0, | | (8) |
denotes the Heaviside unit step function.
[511.0.3] Equation (7) follows from the form used
in [26] for small rates of saturation change.
[511.0.4] The mass exchange depends on the sign of ∂tSW.
[511.0.5] The sign determines the type of process.
[511.0.6] It can switch locally between drainage and imbibition.
[511.0.7] This results in hysteresis.
[511.0.8] The structure of the mass exchange term was chosen with hindsight
such that theoretical results obtained in the residual decoupling
approximation agree with experimental measurements of capillary
[511.0.9] The mass exchange terms have recently been further generalized to
reproduce not only capillary pressure, but also experimental capillary
desaturation curves [27].
[511.1.1] Turning to the momentum balance, note first that
the inertial term will not be neglected in this paper.
[511.1.2] The stress tensor for the four phases are specified as
Σ1 | =-P1 | | (9a) |
Σ2 | =-P3+γP2*S2γ-1 | | (9b) |
Σ3 | =-P3 | | (9c) |
Σ4 | =-P1+δP4*S4δ-1 | | (9d) |
where P1 and P3 are the fluid pressures in the
percolating phases.
[511.1.3] The constants P2*,P4* and exponents γ,δ
are constitutive parameters.
[511.1.4] The assumptions for the nonpercolating phases reflect
their modified pressure.
[511.1.5] This phenomenon seems to have been
observed in experiment [2, Fig. 2, p. 233].
[511.1.6] In applications, the parameters P2*,P4* and γ,δ
are determined by measuring capillary pressure curves (see below).
[511.1.7] The body forces are assumed to be given by gravity and capillarity.
[511.1.8] They are specified as
F1 | =ϱ1gsinϑ | | (10a) |
F2 | =ϱ2gsinϑ+Πa∂S1-α∂x | | (10b) |
F3 | =ϱ3gsinϑ | | (10c) |
F4 | =ϱ4gsinϑ+Πb∂S3-β∂x | | (10d) |
with constitutive constants Πa,Πb and exponents α,β>0.
[511.1.9] The angle 0≤ϑ≤π/2 is the angle between the direction
of the column and the direction of gravity with ϑ=π/2
[page 512, §0]
corresponding to alignment.
[512.0.1] In applications the parameters Πa,Πb and α,β
are determined by measuring capillary pressure curves.
[512.0.2] The capillary body forces in eqs. (10) reflect the wetting
properties of the medium.
[512.0.3] They oppose gravity and reduce
buoyancy driven flows of the disconnected phases.
[512.0.4] This is illustrated in the figures below.
[512.1.1] Finally, the momentum transfer terms are assumed to be
given by linear viscous drag characterized by constitutive
resistance coefficients Rij through the equations
m1 | =R13v3-v1+R14v4-v1-R15v1 | | (11a) |
m2 | =R23v3-v2+R24v4-v2-R25v2 | | (11b) |
m3 | =R31v1-v3+R32v2-v3-R35v3 | | (11c) |
m4 | =R41v1-v4+R42v2-v4-R45v4 | | (11d) |
where R12=0 and
R34=0 was used
because there is no common interface and hence no
direct viscous interaction between these phase pairs.
[512.1.2] Remember that the index i=5 represents the rock matrix.
[512.1.3] For more details on these constitutive assumptions the reader
is referred to the original papers [24, 25, 26].
[512.2.1] The balance laws (1b), (2) and (3)
combined with the constitutive assumptions given above
provide 9 equations
for the 10 unknowns Si,vi,P1,P3 with i=1,2,3,4.
[512.2.2] To close the system of equations the conditions v2=0 or
v4=0 could be used.
[512.2.3] These conditions apply when the nonpercolating phases are
immobile as it is often observed in experiment.
[512.2.4] It turns out, however, that there exists a less restrictive
and, in our opinion, more natural selfconsistent closure.
[512.3.1] The selfconsistent closure condition used in this paper
follows naturally from many limiting cases.
[512.3.2] One such limit is the residual decoupling approximation
close to hydrostatic equilibrium described in detail
in [26, Section 5., p. 216ff].
[512.3.3] A second, more general limiting case is the limit of
vanishing velocities, i.e. vi→0 for i=1,2,3,4.
[512.3.4] Here we formulate the selfconsistent closure condition in
its most general form as
0= | R13ϕ1+R14ϕ1+R15ϕ1+R31ϕ3-R41ϕ4+M1ϕ1v1+ϱ1D1Dtv1 | |
| +-R23ϕ2-R24ϕ2-R25ϕ2+R32ϕ3-R42ϕ4+M1ϕ2v2-ϱ2D2Dtv2 | |
| +-R13ϕ1+R23ϕ2-R31ϕ3-R32ϕ3-R35ϕ3-M3ϕ3v3-ϱ3D3Dtv3 | |
| +-R14ϕ1+R24ϕ2+R41ϕ4+R42ϕ4+R45ϕ4-M3ϕ4v4+ϱ4D4Dtv4. | | (12) |
[page 513, §1]
[513.2.1] This condition follows selfconsistently from the constitutive theory.
[513.2.2] It expresses the experimental observation that
the pressure difference P3-P1 depends more strongly
on saturations than on velocities, and that it remains nonzero
even for vanishing velocities.
[513.2.3] Adding eqs. (3) for i=2 and i=3 and subtracting
eqs. (3) with i=1 and i=4 from the result gives
∂P3∂x=∂P1∂x+∂2∂xΠaS1-α-ΠbS3-β+γP2*S2γ-1-δP4*S4δ-1. | | (13) |
[513.2.4] In this form the selfconsistent closure has been used in
the numerical calculation below.
[513.3.1] The mathematical model defined above was introduced and
discussed in [25, 24, 26].
[513.3.2] It was recently extended to include surface tension [27].
[513.3.3] Notation and model formulation in this paper follow [26].
[513.3.4] Approximations and analytical solutions for some
special cases were given in [25, 24, 26].
[513.3.5] Here the system of equations will be solved
by numerical methods.
[513.3.6] To this end initial and boundary conditions are needed
and will be discussed next.