3 Definition of the Model
[681.1.8.1] In this section, a brief summary of the mathematical model is given.
[681.1.8.2] The following equations are based on volume, mass and momentum
balance equations analogous to the foundations of the traditional
theory (see e.g. [9] for a succinct but detailed parallel development).
[681.1.8.3] It is assumed that both fluids are incompressible and immiscible
and that the lateral dimensions of the column are small with respect to the capillary fringe.
[681.1.8.4] Hence, a one dimensional description is an appropriate approximation.
[681.1.8.5] The mass balances for the four fluid phases (percolating water is identified by
the index 1, non-percolating water by 2, percolating oil by 3 and
non-percolating oil by 4) read as
ϱWϕ∂S1∂t+ϱW∂q1∂x | =M1, | | (1a) |
ϱWϕ∂S2∂t+ϱW∂q2∂x | =M2=-M1, | | (1b) |
ϱOϕ∂S3∂t+ϱO∂q3∂x | =M3, | | (1c) |
ϱOϕ∂S4∂t+ϱO∂q4∂x | =M4=-M3, | | (1d) |
where t denotes time,
x denotes position or height along the column,
ϕ denotes porosity, ϱW,ϱO denote the density of
water, respectively air, Si the saturation, qi the volume
flux and Mi the mass exchange term of the phase i.
[681.1.8.6] The mass exchange term accounts for the fact that percolating and
non-percolating phases of the same fluid exchange mass by break-up and
[681.1.8.7] The mass exchange terms take the form
M1 | =η2ϕϱWS2-S2*SW*-SW∂SW∂t, | | (2a) |
M3 | =η4ϕϱOS4-S4*SW*-SW∂SW∂t. | | (2b) |
with the parameter functions
SW* | =1-minSOim,1-ϵMSOΘ∂tSW+minSWdr,1-ϵMSW1-Θ∂tSW, | | (3a) |
S2* | =minSWdr,1-ϵMSW1-Θ∂tSW, | | (3b) |
S4* | =minSOim,1-ϵMSO1-Θ∂tSO, | | (3c) |
where the parameter SOim is a limiting saturation for the
non-percolating air, SWdr a limiting saturation for non-percolating
water and Θ(⋅) denotes the Heaviside step function.
[681.1.8.8] Water saturation is given by SW=S1+S2 and the air
saturation by SO=S3+S4.
[681.1.8.9] The parameter ϵM≈0 is a mathematical regularization parameter.
[681.1.8.10] It allows to simulate also primary processes.
[681.1.8.11] The volume fluxes of the phases take
the form
q1q2q3q4=Λ-∂xP1-ϱWg-∂xP3-γP2*S2γ-1-ϱWg+Pa∂xS1-α-∂xP3-ϱOg-∂xP1-δP4*S4δ-1-ϱOg+Pb∂xS3-β, | | (4) |
where P1,P3 denote the averaged pressures of the percolating
phases, g the gravity acceleration, α, β,
γ, δ, Pa, Pb, P2*, P4*, are constitutive
[681.1.8.12] The parameters α,β,Pa,Pb are associated with
capillary potentials and γ,δ,P2*,P4* with the energy
stored in the interface between the non-percolating phases and the
surrounding percolating phases of the other fluid [9].
[681.1.8.13] A generalized mobility matrix is denoted by Λ with the coefficients
Λij=ϕ2SiSjR~-1ij, | | (5) |
where R~-1ij denote the components of the inverse of
the viscous coupling parameter matrix.
[681.1.8.14] A comparison with the
classical two-phase Darcy equations yields that R~11≈μW/k and R~33≈μO/k,
where k denotes the permeability of the porous medium.
[681.1.8.15] The system of equations is closed with the volume conservation for incompressible
fluids and incompressible porous media
plus a special form of the general self-consistent closure condition
[11, 5]
P3=P1+12PaS1-α-PbS3-β+γP2*S2γ-1-δP4*S4δ-1 | | (7) |
for the pressures of the percolating phases.