[681.1.16.5] This appendix considers some computational aspects of
our theory to aid readers simulating experiments with
[681.1.16.6] It clarifies fundamental differences (locality vs.
nonlocality) between the theory presented
here and a traditional hysteresis model.
[681.1.16.7] The natural assumption in eq. (2) ,
that breakup or coalescence of ganglia is proportional
to the rate and direction of saturation changes,
is neither equivalent nor related to the traditional hysteretic
extensions of capillary pressure or relative peremabilities.
[681.1.17.1] The origin of hysteresis in the present theory
(see [9, 10]) differs
fundamentally from traditional hysteresis models such as
the model utilized in [15].
[681.1.17.2] Traditional hysteresis models require to store
for each location inside the sample
the pressure and saturation history (i.e.
the reversal points, where the process switches
between drainage and imbibition).
[681.1.17.3] In our theory such pressure and saturation histories
are not needed.
[681.1.17.4] Instead, contrary to traditional hysteresis models,
our theory allows to compute the future state of
the porous medium, given only the knowledge
of its present state.
[681.1.17.5] In other words: While traditional hysteresis models are nonlocal
in time (and thus require to memorize the systems history), our
theory is local in time.
[681.1.18.1] In practical computations the locality of our theory
translates into reduced storage requirements
and a more straightforward implementation.
[681.1.18.2] Table 2 below lists the fields (i.e. the position and
time dependent quantities) necessary to compute the future time
evolution of the system.
[681.1.19.1] Both approaches need a pressure and saturation field
at the present time instant t.
[681.1.19.2] Our theory needs in addition the unknowns S2,S4
to completely specify the present state of the system.
[681.1.19.3] This amounts to two additional state variables at
each collocation point.
[681.1.19.4] Traditional hysteresis models need in addition
2lxi historic values, one for pressure
and one for saturation, at each collocation point xi.
[681.1.19.5] The number lxi is the number of
time instants tjxi,j=1,…,lxi at which reversals
occur at position xi,i=1,…,N.
[681.1.19.6] A reversal is a switching between drainage and imbibition
at the collocation point xi.
[681.1.19.7] The number lxi depends on the nesting or not of scanning curves.
[681.1.19.8] The number lxi and the time instants tjxi
are not known in advance.
[681.1.19.9] In [15]
it is assumed ad hoc that nested loops do not
occur and that the last two reversals are sufficient
to avoid pumping effects.
[681.1.19.10] This uncontrolled approximation might fail
for experiments with cyclic pressure changes
where nested scanning loops are expected to
occur locally.
[681.1.19.11] In the general case [15] expect that
the last four or five reversals are sufficient.
[681.1.20.1] Finally, it may be of interest for
practical computations that the model of
[15] postulates explicitly
and implicitly numerous
functional relations between the variables and unknowns
characterizing the state of the system.
[681.1.20.2] Examples are not only the capillary pressure-saturation
relationship or the relative permeability-saturation
relation, but also the functional relations between
the various effective, apparent, entrapped and
historic saturations and pressures
S¯w, S¯¯w,hnw, S¯nt,
S¯nr, hnwjΔ and
appearing in [15].
[681.1.20.3] The functional forms for these relationships are
postulated purely theoretically and have, apparently,
been tested by inverse fitting but not yet by a direct
experimental test.
[681.1.20.4] The large number of such functional relations and the
freedom to parametrize them results in so many
possible fit parameters for the model of [15]
that a meaningful comparison to other approaches based
on the number of free fit parameters becomes difficult.
Table 2: List of unknowns needed at a given time instant
to compute the future time evolution for the mathematical model
in this paper as compared to the mathematical model
Quantities corresponding to each other appear in
the same row.
The arguments
xi denote
N discretized positions,
i.e. collocation points
i=1,…N of the numerical
The notation of in the right column follows
the notation in the left column is that of this paper.
The time instants
tjxi,j=1,…,lxi are the time instant
of the
j-th reversal at position
The number
lxi of reversals (nested scanning curves)
depends on position
this theory |
[15] |
SWxi,t |
Swxi,t |
S2xi,t |
— |
S4xi,t |
— |
P3xi,t |
hnwxi,t |
— |
S¯w1Δxi,t1=1 |
— |
hnw1Δxi,t1=0 |
— |
S¯w2Δxi,t2xi |
— |
hnw2Δxi,t2xi |
… |
… |
— |
S¯wlxi-1Δxi,tlxi-1xi |
— |
hnwlxi-1Δxi,tlxi-1xi |
— |
S¯wlxiΔxi,tlxixi |
— |
hnwlxiΔxi,tlxixi |