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Appendix A Definition of H-functions

[] The general H-function is defined as the inverse Mellin transform [32]


where the contour C runs from c-i to c+i separating the poles of Γ(bj-Bj),(j=1,,m) from those of Γ(1-aj+Ajs),(j=1,,n). [] Empty products are interpreted as unity. [] The integers m,n,P,Q satisfy 0mQ and 0nP. [] The coefficients Aj and Bj are positive real numbers and the complex parameters aj,bj are such that no poles in the integrand coincide. [] If


then the integral converges absolutely and defines the H-function in the sector argz<Ωπ/2. [] The H-function is also well defined when either

δ=j=1QBj-j=1PAj>0with      0<z<(A.3)


δ=0and        0<z<R=j=1PAj-Ajj=1QBjBj.(A.4)

[] The H-function is a generalization of Meijers G-function and many of the known special functions are special cases of it.