I Introduction
[page 63, §1]
[] Analysis of finite size effects [1] has become an
indispensible tool in the numerical simulation of critical
phenomena [2, 3, 4, 5].
[] According to the nonrigorous renormalization group derivations
of finite size scaling [6] the singular part of the
free energy fsingt,h,u,L and the correlation length ξ
have the scaling form
fsingt,h,u,L | = | L-df~tLyt,hLyh,uLyu | | (1.1) |
ξt,h,u,L | = | Lξ~tLyt,hLyh,uLyu | | (1.2) |
where t denotes the reduced temperature t=T-Tc/Tc
relative to the critical temperature Tc of the infinite
system, h is the field conjugate to the order parameter,
u is an irrelevant variable, L the system size, d the
spatial dimension, and yt,yh>0 and yu<0 are the
renormalization group eigenvalues for t,h and u.
[] More heuristically there are several possibilities to introduce
finite size scaling through a scaling hypothesis.
[] One such method
[7, 8] assumes that the probability density pψ,L for
the order parameter Ψ of the transition can be written as
pψ,L,ξ=LddΨ-d*/d-d*p~ΨψLddΨ-d*/d-d*,L/ξd* | | (1.3) |
where dΨ is the anomalous or scaling dimension of the order
parameter, d* is Fishers anomalous dimension of the vacuum [9],
and ξd* is Binders thermodynamic length [8].
[] If hyperscaling holds then d*=0, the thermodynamic length becomes
the correlation length, ξ0=ξ, and the exponent in (1.3)
reduces to the familiar form dΨ=β/ν where β is the
order parameter exponent and ν the correlation length exponent.
[] The finite size scaling Ansatz (1.3) can be extended to arbitrary
composite operators, an important case being the energy density E
for which the exponent becomes dE=1-α/ν if hyperscaling
[] All finite size scaling
relations (1.1)–(1.3) are
assumed to hold in the finite size scaling limit
[page 64, §0]
where L/ξ=c is kept constant.
[] Despite their very plausible and seemingly general character finite
size scaling relations are not generally valid [10].
[] Violations of finite size scaling are closely related to violations of
hyperscaling relations [10, 11].
[] These violations have been rationalized
via the so called mechanism of “dangerous irrelevant” variables
[12] or by saying that the correlation length ξ is not
the only relevant length [5].
[] “Dangerous irrelevant”
variables are relevant to critical behaviour because by definition
they induce a singularity in one or both of the scaling functions
f~x,y,z and ξ~x,y,z as z→0.
[] The mechanism of dangerous irrelevant variables does not give
general modelindependent criteria for the
validity or violation of hyperscaling and finite size scaling.
[] The present paper attempts to establish positivity of the specific
heat exponent as such a general criterion for the validity of
hyperscaling relations.
[] Given the scaling Ansatz (1.3) another well known problem with
present finite size scaling theory concerns integrals of the scaling
function appearing in (1.3).
[] To see this calculate the finite size scaling form for the absolute
moments of order σ from (1.3) for the case d*=0 as
ΨσL,ξ=L-σβ/νΨ~σL/ξ | | (1.5) |
where the new scaling function Ψ~σz is given in
terms of p~Ψx,y as
Ψ~σy=∫xσp~Ψx,ydx. | | (1.6) |
[] From these moments one finds for the ratio related to the renormalized
coupling constant
the result
gL,ξ=Ψ4Ψ22=Ψ~4L/ξΨ~22L/ξ. | | (1.7) |
which implies that
g∞c=limL,ξ→∞L/ξ=cgL,ξ=Ψ~4cΨ~22c | | (1.8) |
in the finite size scaling limit for which L/ξ=c is a constant.
[] While the value g∞∞=3 for the trivial high temperature
fixed point is universal, the value g∞0 for the nontrivial
fixed point is found to depend on seemingly nonuniversal factors.
[] Moreover,
numerical difficulties arise in different methods of estimating g∞0
[7, 13, 14, 15, 16].
[] The problem is particularly apparent for
the mean field universality class.
[] Twodimensional conformal field theory
predicts that g∞0∝η-1 in the limit η→0
[] Here η is the correlation function exponent, and
η=0 in mean field theory.
[] Similarly for the n-vector
models above four dimensions g∞0 becomes n-dependent [15]
in stark contrast to the “superuniversality” of mean field exponents and
amplitude ratios.
[] The numerical agreement with Monte-Carlo
simulations is poor and the authors of Ref. [13] have called for
further studies to clarify the discrepancy.
[] The present paper attempts
to contribute to this point.
[] Let me summarize the objectives of this work resulting from
the above exposition of two problems with current finite
size scaling theory.
[] The first objective is to provide general
criteria for the validity or violation of finite size scaling.
[] The second objective is to investigate the finite size scaling
functions and finite size amplitude ratios in the ensemble limit.
[] Methodically, the results of this paper follow directly from a
recently introduced classification theory of phase transition
[18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23].
[] Let me briefly
outline the basic idea. Within the classification theory it was
shown that each phase transition in thermodynamics as well as in
statistical mechanics is characterized by a set of generalized
Ehrenfest orders plus a set
of slowly varying functions.
[] This
classification is macroscopic in the sense that it involves only
thermodynamic averages while conformal field theory focusses on
microscopic higher order correlation functions.
[] The classification
in thermodynamics [18] is based upon the application of
fractional calculus, the one in statistical mechanics [22]
rests upon the theory of limit distributions for sums of independent
random variables.
[] The latter theory, which cannot be employed in the
traditional way of performing the scaling limit, became applicable
by introducing a fundamentally new scaling limit, which was called
ensemble limit.
[] In the ensemble limit critical
systems decompose into an infinite ensemble
of infinitely large, yet uncorrelated blocks.
[] The classification
schemes in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics are mathematically
very different but can be related to each other by studying the
fluctuations in the ensemble of blocks.
[] The difference between the
classification schemes is found to be related to violations of
[] Moreover, a thermodynamic form of scaling, called
finite ensemble scaling, emerges from the classification.
[] The basic idea of this paper is to regard finite ensemble scaling
as a macroscopic or thermodynamic form of finite size scaling.
[] Thus the limit distributions in the classification theory ought
to be related to the probability distributions, such as pψ,L,ξ,
appearing in finite size scaling theory.
[] To show that this expectation
is indeed borne out it is first necessary to discuss in some detail the
different scaling limits and finite ensemble scaling.
[] Subsequently the
classification approach can be related to the theory of finite size
scaling, hyperscaling and general scaling at critical points.
[] In the
last two sections critical finite size scaling functions and amplitude
ratios are discussed and compared with Monte Carlo simulations.
[] The
comparison of the predicted universal part of the finite size scaling
functions for the order parameter distribution at criticality with
Monte Carlo simulations for Ising models shows good quantitative