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3 Frozen Disorder: Correlated Effective Medium

[184.1.1] In this section we develop an effective medium approximation to solve eq. (2.1) with initial conditions (2.3) describing the correlated random walk of an A-particle in the frozen background of blockers. [184.1.2] This is possible because the correlated walk on the regular lattice can again be solved exactly. [184.1.3] We will derive a selfconsistent equation similar to that for the generalized diffusion coefficient in the well known effective medium treatment of random walks on a frozen percolating network[24, 25, 26, 27, 28]. [184.1.4] In our case, however, the solution of the selfconsistent equation is only an intermediate step from which the generalized diffusion coefficient has to be calculated[29].

[184.2.1] We start by Laplace transforming eq. (2.1) and inserting the initial conditions. [184.2.2] This gives


where we have written Piu=Pi,u=0e-utPi,tdt to shorten the notation. [184.2.3] For a selfconsistent treatment of the disorder we have to compare eq. (3) with the same equation for the regular reference lattice where we allow the kernel A0u to be frequency dependent. [page 185, §0]    [185.0.1] The equation for the regular reference lattice then reads


[185.0.2] We subtract eq. (3) from eq. (3) and insert a term A0Pju-Piu. [185.0.3] This gives us


where we have introduced Δij=Aij-A0/A0 and suppressed the dependence on u to further shorten the notation. [185.0.4] We now define the lattice Greens function associated with the reference lattice by


[185.0.5] Multiplication of eq. (3.3) by Gik, summation over i, and use of eq. (3.4) allows us to rewrite eq. (3.3) as


[185.1.1] As we are dealing with bond percolation it is convenient to switch from site related quantities to bond related ones. [185.1.2] This is done by writing eq. (3.5) for a second site l, and then forming the differences Qkl=Pk-Pl=-Qlk. [185.1.3] In terms of the quantities Qkl one now has


where the summations run over all bonds ij. [page 186, §0]    [186.0.1] As usual[24, 25, 26, 27, 28] one allows only a finite number of bonds (here only one bond) to fluctuate while all other bonds are given their effective medium value. [186.0.2] In this 1-bond-approximation the bond [kl] can be chosen arbitrarily, and we choose it such that it does not touch the starting point of the random walk, i. e.  k0,l0. [186.0.3] Then eq. (3.6) is easily solved to give


[186.0.4] Up to this point we have not made use of the fact that the reference lattice is regular. [186.0.5] We assume now a regular lattice for the effective medium such that zi=z for all sites. [186.0.6] In this case the solution of eq. (3.4) is recognized as the Greens function for that lattice if one introduces the new spectral variable


instead of u.

[186.1.1] The self consistent equation is obtained by demanding to choose a frequency dependent medium A0u such that it reproduces on average the behaviour of the original system, i. e.  we demand Qkl=Qkl0 where . denotes the average over all possible configurations of the bond kl. Using this condition in eq. (3.7) we find


where we have also used the symmetry of the Greens function and eq. (3.4) to express Giju~ in terms of Giiu~. [186.1.2] The average in eq. (3.9) has to be taken with respect to the probability density fAkl which was given in eq. (2.1) as fAkl=1-pδAkl-1+pδAkl. [186.1.3] Performing the average and introducing the notation pc=2/z for the percolation threshold one finds from eq. (3.9) the selfconsistent equation


with u~ given by eq. (3.8), and Gu=Giiu. [page 187, §0]    [187.0.1] Partially solving for A0 then leads to the functional equation




[187.0.2] This formulation has the advantage that it displays explicitly the two different branches of the solution. [187.0.3] The decision which branch to use is made by enforcing the correct limiting behaviour of σ. [187.0.4] This requires that we calculate first the generalized diffusion coefficient D. [187.0.5] For that we must solve eq. (2.8). [187.0.6] Fourier-Laplace transforming eq. (2.8) and using the initial conditions of eq. (2.1). [187.0.7] We obtain


where k=k1,,kd denotes the wave vector, and pk is the usual characteristic function of the random walk for the lattice under consideration, e. g. pk=1di=1dcoski for the d-dimensional simple cubic lattices.

[187.1.1] Now equation (2.11) can be employed to calculate the conductivity σω. A straightforward calculation using p(k)|k=0=1 and kp(k)|k=0=0 leads to the generalized diffusion coefficient[29]


as a function of u=iω. [187.1.2] Here p′′0 denotes (k)2p(k)|k=0, and we have used the index 0 to indicate that eq. (3.13) is valid for the frozen case, i. e. τ=. [187.1.3] With equations (3.13) and (3.10) we have now derived the set of selfconsistent equations for the frozen diffusion coefficient D0u. [187.1.4] It remains to specify a particular lattice, and to solve eq. (3.10) for the case of interest. [page 188, §0]    [188.0.1] That will be done in Section 5 after we have discussed how to make use of these results for the dynamic disorder problem.