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Appendix B Function Spaces

[page 61, §1]

[61.1.1] The set G denotes an interval, a domain in Rd or a measure space G,A,μ [8] depending on the context. [61.1.2] K stands for R or C. γ=γ1,,γdN0d is a multiindex and γ=i=1dγi. [61.1.3] For the definition of Hilbert and Banach spaces the reader may consult e.g. [128]. [61.1.4] The following notation is used for various spaces of continuous functions:

C0(G):={f:GK|f is continuous}(B.1)
CkG:=fC0G|f is k-times continuously differentiable(B.2)
C0kG:=fCkG|f vanishes at the boundary G(B.3)
CbkG:=fCkG|f is bounded(B.4)
CckG:=fCkG|f has compact support(B.5)
CubkG:=fCkG|f is bounded and uniformly continuous(B.6)
ACka,b:=fCka,b|fk is absolutely continuous(B.7)

[61.1.5] For compact G the norm on these spaces is


[61.1.6] The Lebesgue spaces over G,A,μ are defined as

Llocp(G,μ):={f:GK|fp is integrable on every compact KG}(B.9)
Lp(G,μ):={f:GK|fp is integrable}(B.10)

with norm


[page 62, §0]    [62.0.1] For p=

LG,μ:=f:GKf is measurable and f<(B.12)




fessG:=zC:μxG:fx-z<ε0 for all ε>0(B.14)

is the essential range of f.

[62.1.1] The Hölder spaces CαG with 0<α<1 are defined as

Cα(G):={f:GK|c0 s.t. |f(x)-f(y)|c|x-y|α,x,yG}(B.15)

with norm


where cα is the smallest constant c in (B.15). [62.1.2] For α>1 the Hölder space CαG contains only the constant functions and therefore α is chosen as 0<α<1. [62.1.3] The spaces Ck,αG, kN, consist of those functions fCkG whose partial derivatives of order k all belong to CαG.

[62.2.1] The Sobolev spaces are defined by

Wk,pG=fLpG:f is k-times differentiable in the sense of distributions and DγfLpG  for all γN0d with γk (B.17)

where the derivative Dγ=1γ1dγd with multiindex γ=γ1,,γdN0d is understood in the sense of distributions. [62.2.2] A distribution f is in Wk,pG if and only if for each γN0d with γk there exists fγLpG such that


for all test functions ϕ. [62.2.3] In the special case d=1 one has fWk,pG if and only if fCk-1G, fk-1ACG, and fjLpG for j=0,1,,k. [62.2.4] The Sobolev spaces are equipped with the norm


(see [2]). [62.2.5] A function is called rapidly decreasing if it is infinitely many times differentiable, i.e. fCRd and


[page 63, §0]    for all nN and γNd. [63.0.1] The test function space

SRd:=fCRd|f is rapidly decreasing(B.21)

is called Schwartz space.