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2 Definition of Phases

[142.3.1] A porous sample S=PMR3 consists of a subset P (called pore space) and a subset M (called matrix). [142.3.2] The pore space P contains two immiscible fluids, namely a wetting fluid, called water and denoted as W, plus a nonwetting fluid, called oil and denoted as O.

[142.4.1] Each of the two fluids W,O consists of disjoint and pathconnected subsets (regions) Wi,Oi. [142.4.2] More precisely one has


where the subsets Wi,Oi are mutually disjoint, and each of them is pathconnected. [142.4.3] A set is called pathconnected if any two of its points can be connected by a path contained inside the set. [142.4.4] The sets are called mutually disjoint if OiOj= and WiWj= holds for all ij. [142.4.5] The integers NW,NO give the total number of pathconnected subsets for water resp. oil. [142.4.6] These numbers vary with time, as do the regions Wi,Oi.

[142.5.1] Now define percolating (F1,F3) and nonpercolating (F2,F4) fluid regions by classifying the subsets Wi,Oi as to whether they have empty or nonempty intersection with the sample boundary S. [page 143, §0]    [143.0.1] More formally, define


so that F1 is the union of all regions Wi, and F3 is the union of all regions Oi, that have nonempty intersection with the sample boundary S. [143.0.2] Similarly F2 is the union of all regions Wi that have empty intersection with S, and similarly for F4. [143.0.3] In this way each point in P belongs to one of four regions Fi, i=1,2,3,4. [143.0.4] This results in a total of four fluid phases called percolating resp. nonpercolating water, and percolating resp. nonpercolating oil. [143.0.5] The index i=5 will be used for the rigid matrix M.