4 Constitutive Assumptions
[page 145, §1]
[145.1.1] The porous medium is assumed to be macroscopically homogeneous
although this assumption rarely holds in practice [26].
[145.1.2] Let us further assume
that the fluids are incompressible so that
ϱ1x,t | =ϱW | | (13a) |
ϱ2x,t | =ϱW | | (13b) |
ϱ3x,t | =ϱO | | (13c) |
ϱ4x,t | =ϱO | | (13d) |
where the constants ϱW,ϱO are independent
of x and t.
[145.2.1] Flows through porous media often have low Reynolds numbers.
[145.2.2] Thus accelerations and the inertial term
can be neglected in the momentum balance equation (10).
[145.3.1] The momentum transfer into phase i from all the other phases
is assumed to arise from viscous drag,
with resistance coefficients Rij quantifying
the loss due to viscous friction between phase i and j.
[145.3.2] The matrix is assumed to be rigid so that v5=0.
[145.3.3] Hence -Ri5vi is the momentum transfer from the
wall into phase i.
[145.3.4] Then
m1 | =R13v3-v1+R14v4-v1-R15v1 | | (16a) |
m2 | =R23v3-v2+R24v4-v2-R25v2 | | (16b) |
m3 | =R31v1-v3+R32v2-v3-R35v3 | | (16c) |
m4 | =R41v1-v4+R42v2-v4-R45v4 | | (16d) |
where R12=0 and
R34=0 was used
because there is no common interface and hence no
direct viscous interaction between these phase pairs.
[145.3.5] The viscous resistance coefficients Rij may be rewritten
in term of dimensionless coefficients rij as
Rij | =μWk-1rij,i=1,2 | | (17a) |
Rij | =μOk-1rij,i=3,4 | | (17b) |
where μW,μO are the viscosities of water and oil,
k is the absolute permeability tensor of the medium,
and rij are dimensionless viscous drag coefficients.
[145.3.6] Each Rij is a 3×3-matrix.
[145.3.7] In practice viscous coupling terms between the two
fluid phases are often neglected.
[page 146, §1]
[146.1.1] The stress tensor is written as a pressure term
plus a capillary correction term.
[146.1.2] The reference pressure for the nonpercolating
phases is the pressure of the surrounding
percolating phase [24].
[146.1.3] Thus
Σ1 | =-PW1+Σc1 | | (18a) |
Σ2 | =-PO1+Σc2 | | (18b) |
Σ3 | =-PO1+Σc3 | | (18c) |
Σ4 | =-PW1+Σc4, | | (18d) |
where Σci are capillary stresses resulting from
the presence of fluid-fluid and fluid-matrix interfaces.
[146.2.1] Similarly, the body forces are augmented with capillary
body forces as
with i=1,2,3,4.
[146.2.2] The capillary body forces Fci are responsible
for keeping the trapped fluids inside the medium.
[146.2.3] They are assumed to be potential forces
where Πci are the capillary potentials.
[146.3.1] One has considerable freedom to specify the capillary
stresses Σci and potentials Πci.
[146.3.2] General thermodynamic considerations suggest ideas
to restrict this freedom.
[146.3.3] Let F denote the total Helmholtz free energy of the
system with and oil-water interface, and let FW
and FO denote the individual Helmholtz free energies
of bulk water and bulk oil.
[146.3.4] Then [27, 28]
dF=-PWdVW-POdVO+σWOdA~WO+σWMdA~WM+σOMdA~OM | | (21) |
where PW,PO are the oil and water pressure,
VW,VO are the volumes of oil and water, and
A~WO,A~WM,A~OM are the total
interfacial areas between oil and water, water and matrix, resp. oil and matrix.
[146.3.5] The oil-water surface tension σWO and the fluid-matrix
interfacial tensions σWM,σOM are related by Youngs equation
where ϑ is the contact angle of water.
[146.3.6] The interfacial areas obey
A~WO | =A~31+A~32+A~41+A~42 | | (23) |
A~PM | =A~WM+A~OM | | (24) |
A~WM | =A~15+A~25 | | (25) |
A~OM | =A~35+A~45 | | (26) |
where A~ij is the total interfacial area between phase i and j,
and the volumes are related by eqs. (5b) and
[page 147, §1]
[147.1.1] In equilibrium dF=0 holds.
[147.1.2] Also, sample volume and internal surface are constant
because the porous medium is rigid.
[147.1.3] This implies dV=0 and dA~PM=0.
[147.1.4] Using eq. (5c) one arrives at
0=PO-PW+σWO∂A~WO∂VW-cosϑ∂A~WM∂VW | | (27) |
where Youngs equation (22) was also used.
[147.2.1] These considerations suggest one particular way to specify the
capillary stresses and potentials.
[147.2.2] Following earlier ideas [24] the capillary
stresses are specified as
Σc1 | =0 | | (28a) |
Σc2 | =-σWOϕ∂AWO∂SW | | (28b) |
Σc3 | =0 | | (28c) |
Σc4 | =-Σc2 | | (28d) |
where local equilibrium was assumed and intensive
quantities (per unit volume of porous medium) were
[147.2.3] The capillary potentials
may be associated with the last term in eq. (27).
[147.2.4] They are specified as
Πc1 | =0 | | (29a) |
Πc2 | =σWOϕcosϑ∂AWM∂SW | | (29b) |
Πc3 | =0 | | (29c) |
Πc4 | =-Πc2 | | (29d) |
in analogy with [23, 24].
[147.3.1] The mass transfer rates are
Mi=∑j=15Mij where
Mij is the mass transfer rate from phase j
into phase i.
[147.3.2] Neglecting chemical reactions one assumes
Mij=0 for all pairs i,j except the
pairs 1,2,2,1,3,4,4,3.
[147.3.3] These remaining transfer rates are assumed to be given as
M12=-M21 | =ϕϱWb11-S2-b2S2ΘW*+η2S2-S2*SW*-SW∂SW∂t | | (30a) |
M34=-M43 | =ϕϱOb31-S4-b4S4ΘO*+η4S4-S4*SO*-SO∂SO∂t | | (30b) |
[page 148, §0]
SW* | =ΘτW∂SW∂t+S2*-S4* | | (31a) |
SO* | =1-SW* | | (31b) |
S2* | =minSW,SWi1-ΘτW∂SW∂t | | (31c) |
S4* | =minSO,SOrΘτW∂SW∂t | | (31d) |
as in [22, 23, 24].
[148.0.1] The limiting saturations for S2,S4,
called irreducible water resp. residual oil saturation,
SWi | =SWi(v1,v3)=b1v1,v3b1v1,v3+b2v1,v3 | | (32a) |
SOr | =SOr(v1,v3)=b3v1,v3b3v1,v3+b4v1,v3 | | (32b) |
are velocity dependent, because they depend on
the velocity dependent “reaction rates”
[148.0.2] The relation between residual oil saturation SOr and
flow velocity is also known as capillary correlation or
capillary desaturation curve [29, 30, 31].
[148.0.3] The factors ΘW*,ΘO* are defined as
ΘW* | =Θcosϑ+1-ΘcosϑΘS2-SWi0 | | (33a) |
ΘO* | =ΘcosϑΘS4-SOr0+1-Θcosϑ | | (33b) |
where ϑ denotes the contact angle of water,
SWi0 | =limv→0SWiv,v | | (34a) |
SOr0 | =limv→0SOrv,v. | | (34b) |
are the low velocity limits of SWi,SOr, and
denotes the Heaviside unit step function.
[148.0.4] The velocity dependent “reaction rates” bi are
chosen such that they vanish for vanishing velocities.
[148.0.5] In this paper it will be assumed that
[page 149, §0]
b1 | =b1(v1,v3)=τW3A4v12v32 | | (36a) |
b2 | =b2(v1,v3)=τW3A4v34(1-SWi0SWi0) | | (36b) |
b3 | =b3(v1,v3)=τO3A4v12v32 | | (36c) |
b4 | =b4(v1,v3)=τO3A4v14(1-SOr0SOr0) | | (36d) |
consistent with eq. (34).
[149.0.1] The parameters τW,τO are time scales, and
η2,η4,bij are dimensionless constants.
[149.1.1] The first terms in the curly brackets of
(30) model an equilibrium reaction
between nonpercolating and percolating fluids.
[149.1.2] The reaction, i.e. breakup and coalescence,
takes only place when both percolating phases
move, i.e. have nonvanishing velocity.
[149.1.3] The prefactors ΘW*,ΘO* reproduce
the experimental observation that
nonpercolating nonwetting fluid phases show little
breakup or coalescence below the low velocity limit
of the residual nonwetting saturation.
[149.1.4] The prefactors also ensure that sign and
dimensions are correct.
[149.2.1] The specific internal surfaces AWO,AWM depend on saturation.
[149.2.2] Here it is assumed that
[149.2.3] The dependence of AWOS1,S2,S3,S4
is suggested by inverting the classic hydraulic radius
k=C1S13A12=C3S33A32 | | (38) |
where A1=A31+A41+A51 and
[149.3.1] Finally, the system is closed selfconsistently using
the condition
0 | =R13ϕ1+R14ϕ1+R15ϕ1+R31ϕ3-R41ϕ4+M1ϕ1v1+ϱ1D1Dtv1 | |
| +-R23ϕ2-R24ϕ2-R25ϕ2+R32ϕ3-R42ϕ4+M1ϕ2v2-ϱ2D2Dtv2 | |
| +-R13ϕ1+R23ϕ2-R31ϕ3-R32ϕ3-R35ϕ3-M3ϕ3v3-ϱ3D3Dtv3 | |
| +-R14ϕ1+R24ϕ2+R41ϕ4+R42ϕ4+R45ϕ4-M3ϕ4v4+ϱ4D4Dtv4 | | (39) |
written here in its most general form.
[149.3.2] It is obtained by demanding that the closure condition
should be consistent with the capillary pressure
saturation relation obtained in the residual decoupling limit
(see [22, 23, 24]).