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(Created page with "{{Seminartopic |topic=Grundlagen der MD- und MC-Simulationsmethodik für weiche Materie |speaker=Martin Vögele |date=2012-04-17 |tutor=Olaf Lenz |ressources=[{{SERVER}}/~icp/...")
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|topic=Grundlagen der MD- und MC-Simulationsmethodik für weiche Materie
|topic=How to give a talk
|speaker=Martin Vögele
|speaker=Olaf Lenz
|tutor=Olaf Lenz
|ressources=[{{SERVER}}/~icp/html/teaching/2012-ss-hs/01-1-olenz-talk.pdf Talk1: How '''not''' to give a talk] [{{SERVER}}/~icp/html/teaching/2012-ss-hs/01-2-olenz-talk.pdf Talk2: How to give a talk]
|ressources=[{{SERVER}}/~icp/html/teaching/2012-ss-hs/01-1-olenz-talk.pdf Talk1: How '''not''' to give a talk] [{{SERVER}}/~icp/html/teaching/2012-ss-hs/01-2-olenz-talk.pdf Talk2: How to give a talk]

Revision as of 17:33, 25 June 2012

"{{{number}}}" is not a number.
How to give a talk
Olaf Lenz

Talk1: How not to give a talk Talk2: How to give a talk