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* R. Huang u. a., Nature Physics  7, 576 (2011) [http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v7/n7/full/nphys1953.html Link]
* R. Huang u. a., Nature Physics  7, 576 (2011) [http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v7/n7/full/nphys1953.html Link]
=== Historic original works ===
=== Historical original works ===
* A. Einstein, Ann. Phys. 322, 549 (1905) [http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/annalen/history/einstein-papers/1905_17_549-560.pdf Link]
* A. Einstein, Ann. Phys. 322, 549 (1905) [http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/annalen/history/einstein-papers/1905_17_549-560.pdf Link]

Latest revision as of 11:56, 8 April 2013

"{{{number}}}" is not a number.
Theory of Brownian Motion
Caterina Clausen
Felix Höfling


  • Brownian motion and thermal fluctuations
  • Einstein's theory and Perrin's experiments (nobel prize 1926)
  • fluctuation–dissipation theorem, detailed balance
  • random walk model: stochastic trajectory vs. probabilistic description
  • Langevin equation (underdamped, overdamped)
  • Smoluchowski equation (aka Fokker–Plank equation)
  • simulation methods for Brownian dynamics


  • R. Kubo: Statistical Physics II (Springer, 1992) [Kap. 1] Google Books
  • D. ben-Avraham and S. Havlin: Diffusion and reactions in fractals and disordered systems (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000) [Kap. 3]
  • M. D. Haw, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 7769 (2002) Link
  • R. Newburgh, J. Peidle und W. Rueckner, Am. J. Phys. 74, 478 (2006) Link
  • R. Huang u. a., Nature Physics 7, 576 (2011) Link

Historical original works

  • A. Einstein, Ann. Phys. 322, 549 (1905) Link
  • M. von Smoluchowski, Ann. Phys. 326, 756 (1906) Link
  • P. Langevin, C. R. Acad. Sci. (Paris) 146, 530–533 (1908) Übersetzung
  • J. Perrin: Les Atomes (1913) Link