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# Introduction to Molecular Dynamics and Monte-Carlo Simulations (ICP) [[Hauptseminar_Theorie_und_Simulation_der_weichen_Materie_SS_2013/MD-MC|[SS 2013]]]
# Introduction to Molecular Dynamics and Monte-Carlo Simulations (ICP) [[Hauptseminar_Theorie_und_Simulation_der_weichen_Materie_SS_2013/MD-MC|[SS 2013]]]
# [http://www.icp.uni-stuttgart.de/~icp/Hauptseminar_Theorie_und_Simulation_der_weichen_Materie_WS_2012/Grundlagen_MD_MC Grundlagen der Molekular-Dynamik und Monte-Carlo-Simulation] (Jens Smiatek, Christian Holm)
# Mesoscopic Simulation Methods (ICP)
# [http://www.icp.uni-stuttgart.de/~icp/Hauptseminar_Theorie_und_Simulation_der_weichen_Materie_WS_2012/Polymer_MD_MC Simulation von Polymeren mittels Monte-Carlo und Molekular-Dynamik-Methoden] (Jens Smiatek, Christian Holm)
# Eletrostatic Algorithms (ICP)
# [http://www.icp.uni-stuttgart.de/~icp/Hauptseminar_Theorie_und_Simulation_der_weichen_Materie_WS_2012/Meso_Sim Mesoskopische Simulationsmethoden: Lattice-Boltzmann, Dissipative Particle Dynamics und Stochastic Rotation Dynamics] (Jens Smiatek, Christian Holm)
# Phase Transitions (ICP)
# [http://www.icp.uni-stuttgart.de/~icp/Hauptseminar_Theorie_und_Simulation_der_weichen_Materie_WS_2012/Elektrostatik Behandlung von elektrostatischen Wechselwirkungen in Polyelektrolyt-Simulationen] (Jens Smiatek, Christian Holm)
# Computing Free Energies (ICP)
# [http://www.icp.uni-stuttgart.de/~icp/Hauptseminar_Theorie_und_Simulation_der_weichen_Materie_WS_2012/Phasengleichgewichte Phasengleichgewichte] (Jens Smiatek, Christian Holm)
# [http://www.icp.uni-stuttgart.de/~icp/Hauptseminar_Theorie_und_Simulation_der_weichen_Materie_WS_2012/Freie_Energie_Methoden Methoden zur Berechnung von freien Energien: Wang-Landau-Sampling, Umbrella Sampling und WHAM, Thermodynamische Integration] (Jens Smiatek, Christian Holm)
# Theory of Liquids (Markus Bier, MPI-IS) [[Hauptseminar Theorie und Simulation der weichen Materie SS 2013/Theory of Liquids|[SS 2013]]]
# Theory of Liquids (Markus Bier, MPI-IS) [[Hauptseminar Theorie und Simulation der weichen Materie SS 2013/Theory of Liquids|[SS 2013]]]
# Density Functional Theory (Markus Bier, MPI-IS)  
# Density Functional Theory (Markus Bier, MPI-IS)  

Revision as of 13:55, 10 July 2013


Blockseminar (Talks and Discussion)
Date and Time
to be discussed
Institut für Computerphysik, Seminar room 1.079
Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems, Seminar room 5H7 (directions)
Credit Points
2 SWS = 3 CP
Prof. Dr. Christian Holm (ICP)
Dr. Jens Smiatek (ICP)
Dr. Olaf Lenz (ICP)
Dr. Felix Höfling (MPI für Intelligente Systeme)
Dr. Matthias Krüger (MPI für Intelligente Systeme)
Dr. Markus Bier (MPI für Intelligente Systeme)
Course Number
PO 2011: 31620 Hauptseminar in Theoretischer Physik (benoteter Leistungsnachweis)
PO 2010: 28300 Fortgeschrittene Vielteilchentheorie (unbenoteter Leistungsnachweis als Prüfungsvorleistung)
We expect the participants to have fundamental knowledge in classical and statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, and partial differential equations.


This list is not final!

General Topic: Colloids and Liquids

  1. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics and Monte-Carlo Simulations (ICP) [SS 2013]
  2. Mesoscopic Simulation Methods (ICP)
  3. Eletrostatic Algorithms (ICP)
  4. Phase Transitions (ICP)
  5. Computing Free Energies (ICP)
  6. Theory of Liquids (Markus Bier, MPI-IS) [SS 2013]
  7. Density Functional Theory (Markus Bier, MPI-IS)
  8. Liquid Crystals (Markus Bier, MPI-IS)
  9. Diffusion in Many-Particle Suspensions (Matthias Krüger, MPI-IS)
  10. Physics of the Glass Transition (Matthias Krüger, MPI-IS)
  11. Brownian Motion (Felix Höfling, MPI-IS)
  12. Hydrodynamic Interactions (Felix Höfling, MPI-IS)

Getting the credit points

To get the credit points for the seminar, the following criteria should be met:

  • All participants have to be present in all talks and play a part in the discussions.
  • Instead of writing a report after the talk, we expect the participants to distribute a handout in the week before and send it to Jens to be put up on the web page.
    • The handout is to be written in English.
    • All participants are expected to read the handout as preparation to the talk.
    • It should describe the contents of the talk, written out in full.
    • It should have 5 to 10 pages.
    • If available, up to three original articles can be attached to the handout.
  • The talk is to be given at the arranged time.
    • The talk is to be held in English.
    • The talk should take 40 to 45 minutes.
    • We recommend to prepare electronic slides for the talk.
    • They can be displayed on your own laptop or on the institute's laptop. In the first case, please check whether the projection works before the actual date, in the latter case, please contact us well beforehand so that we will bring the laptop.
    • After the talk, there will be a discussion on the talk, where all participants are expected to actively contribute.
    • After the discussion, we will give hints on how to improve the presentation.
  • For the participants that require a grade (PO 2011), the following aspects will be important:
    • Quality of the talk (contents, presentation, slides)
    • Quality of the handout (contents, readability)
    • Contributions to the discussion