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Finite Element Modeling of Active Particles
Miftahussurur Hamidi Putra
Patrick Kreissl


The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a computational technique to solve systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) numerically — allowing also for treatment of nonlinear differential equations. In combination with its inherent ability to deal with complex geometries and to work on locally refined meshes, this makes the FEM a powerful tool for investigating not only self-diffusio- but also self-electrophoretic particle systems: The full (nonlinear) electrokinetic equations can be applied directly on an experimental length scale, while resolving critical regions on the scale of the double layer with the necessary high accuracy.

The speaker will introduce the FEM, discuss its strengths and weaknesses when applied to the electrokinetic equations, and show how the method can be used to model both self-diffusiophoretic and self-electrophoretic active particles.
