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Common to all applicants should be a strong background in statistical physics and MD or MC simulation strategies, and knowledge of basic soft matter background (polymers, colloids) or knowledge in atomistic modelling (biomolecules, proteins). The simulations  will be performed using the software package {{ES}}, GROMACS, or self-written codes. We are also active in the field of algorithm and code development, in particular for electrostatic and hydrodynamic interactions.
Common to all applicants should be a strong background in statistical physics and MD or MC simulation strategies, and knowledge of basic soft matter background (polymers, colloids) or knowledge in atomistic modelling (biomolecules, proteins). The simulations  will be performed using the software package {{ES}}, GROMACS, or self-written codes. We are also active in the field of algorithm and code development, in particular for electrostatic and hydrodynamic interactions.
There will be ample opportunity to interact with other researchers at Stuttgart, the Max Planck Institute for metals research, the {{MPIP}}, and the [http://www.uni-stuttgart.de University of Stuttgart].
There will be ample opportunity to interact with other researchers at Stuttgart, the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, the {{MPIP}}, and the [http://www.uni-stuttgart.de University of Stuttgart].
All positions are initially for one year, renewable upon mutual agreement. Candidates should have the relevant background in a quantitative discipline (see above) and a keen interest in several of the lab's research areas. Applicants should submit:  
All positions are initially for one year, renewable upon mutual agreement. Candidates should have the relevant background in a quantitative discipline (see above) and a keen interest in several of the lab's research areas. Applicants should submit:  
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Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an Maria Fyta, Tel: 0711 / 685 63935, E-mail: [mailto:mfyta@icp.uni-stuttgart.de mfyta@icp.uni-stuttgart.de]-->
Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an Maria Fyta, Tel: 0711 / 685 63935, E-mail: [mailto:mfyta@icp.uni-stuttgart.de mfyta@icp.uni-stuttgart.de]-->
== Misc. positions ==
<!--== Fremdsprachensekretär/in ==
=== Software Developer ===
We are seeking a software developer for the software ESPResSo ([http://espressomd.org espressomd.org]). It is mainly used to perform particle-based
Die Position einer/eines Fremdsprachensekretärin/-sekretärs (m/w/d) ist zum 01.07.19 (oder nach Vereinbarung) neu zu besetzen. Es handelt sich um eine unbefristete Vollzeitstelle, die Eingruppierung erfolgt nach den Bestimmungen des Tarifvertrags für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder bei Erfüllung der persönlichen bzw. tariflichen Voraussetzungen bis Entgeltgruppe 9 TV-L. Im Institutssekretariat erwartet Sie ein interessantes und abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet an der Schnittstelle zwischen Studierenden, wissenschaftlichen und nicht-wissenschaftlichen Institutsmitarbeitern, Dozenten und der Zentralen Verwaltung. Nähere Information finden Sie [[Media:Stellenausschreibung_Sekr.pdf|hier]].>
MD simulations in the fields of statistical and biological physics and
process engineering. Its main strength is to combine a large number of
simulation schemes, including hydrodynamic and long-range
electrostatic solvers, with coarse-grained particle-based molecular
It combines a C/C++ core with a Python interface.
'''What we are looking for'''
* Strong skills in C++ and Python
* Experience in scientific computing
* Experience in software engineering concepts
* Experience in development tools for continuous integration, such as Git and a CI testing platform such as Travis or Gitlab-CI
* Degree in Computer Science, software engineering, natural sciences or a similar subject
* PhD is of advantage
* If your degree is in an other field, proven interest in natural sciences (e.g., as a side-subject in a computer science degree, or previous involvement in a natural science project)
* Strong communication skills in English, both oral and written
'''What we are offering'''
* Full-time 3-year position in the TV-LE 13 remuneration group of the German states
* Possibility to earn a PhD if desired
* The ability to work on a simulation package used world wide for published scientific projects
* The opportunity to get to know a broad variety of simulation techniques and their applications
* Close interaction with the scientists using the software
* The possibility to visit and interact with scientific groups using the software
The deadline for the application is 15.4.2018 or until position is filled. The desired starting date is as soon as possible. Send your application as a PDF via email to: application@icp.uni-stuttgart.de

Latest revision as of 15:18, 30 July 2020

Topics for Diploma/Master/Bachelor-Theses can be found here.

Ph.D. positions

Simulations and theoretical work in the area of soft matter systems

The Institute for Computational Physics works in the fields of research of simulations and theory of soft matter and biophysical systems, e.g. subjects like nucleation, ionic systems, ferrofluids, hydrogels, as well as colloids, polymers or biomolecules.

At present we have no open positions. However, we can support applications of exceptionally good candidates for funding in other projects. These positions would be in the groups of Maria Fyta, Jens Smiatek, and Christian Holm.

Common to all applicants should be a strong background in statistical physics and MD or MC simulation strategies, and knowledge of basic soft matter background (polymers, colloids) or knowledge in atomistic modelling (biomolecules, proteins). The simulations will be performed using the software package ESPResSo, GROMACS, or self-written codes. We are also active in the field of algorithm and code development, in particular for electrostatic and hydrodynamic interactions.

There will be ample opportunity to interact with other researchers at Stuttgart, the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, the Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung (MPI-P) in Mainz, and the University of Stuttgart.

All positions are initially for one year, renewable upon mutual agreement. Candidates should have the relevant background in a quantitative discipline (see above) and a keen interest in several of the lab's research areas. Applicants should submit:

  • resume (including date of birth, grades, awards, publications),
  • statement of research interests (up to 2 pages),
  • names and email addresses of 2-3 references
  • links to their thesis and/or publications

Positions will remain open until filled. Please send applications via email to application _at_ icp.uni-stuttgart.de, or if you are located in Stuttgart, simply drop by our institute.

Doktorandenstelle: Physik poröser Medien

Am Institut für Computerphysik ist eine Doktorandenstelle (TVL E13 2/3) im Fach "Theoretische Physik" in der Arbeitsgruppe Physik poröser Medien zu besetzen.

Das Institut für Computerphysik der Universität Stuttgart sucht Diplom/M.Sc.-Studenten, die ihre Doktorarbeit über ein Thema auf dem Gebiet der rechnergestützten statistischen Physik schreiben möchten. Die geplante Dissertation befasst sich mit der Simulation mehrskaliger poröser Medien. Das Projekt wird im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs 716 durchgeführt. Interessierte Studenten sollten einen überdurchschnittlichen Diplom-, Magister (M.Sc.) oder äquivalenten Abschluss in Physik oder Mathematik vorweisen können. Programmierkenntnisse sind erforderlich. Fähigkeit und Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Doktoranden und Projekten auf demselben Arbeitsgebiet sowie überdurchschnittliche Einsatzbereitschaft werden erwartet. Interessenten senden bitte Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen (Lebenslauf, Anschreiben, Zeugnisse etc) an.

Prof. Dr. R. Hilfer
Institut für Computerphysik
Universität Stuttgart
Allmandring 3

70569 Stuttgart

Tel: +49 711 685-67607
Fax: +49 711 685-63658

Die Einstellung erfolgt durch das Rektoramt der Universität Stuttgart.

Studentische Hilfskräfte

We also have a number of open positions for student helpers.

Modellierung von biomodifizierten Oberflächen/Modeling biomodified surfaces

  • Eine HiWi Stelle zur Unterstützung der Modellierung von biologisch modifizierten Materialien ist frei. Interessenten bitte eine E-mail an Maria Fyta (mfyta_at_icp.uni-stuttgart.de) schicken.
  • There is currently an opening for a HiWi (student assistant) in the field of computer simulations of modified surfaces (molecules adsorbed on surfaces). In case you are interested in bachelor or master projects, please contact Maria Fyta (mfyta_at_icp.uni-stuttgart.de).