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ICP - Kolloquium

In the Summer Semester 2009, the ICP Kolloquium takes place on Thursday from 14:00 - 15:30 in the seminar room (ICP V27.02).

Current Schedule

23.04.2009 No Kolloquium
30.04.2009 Igor Pasichnyk (München) Some methods of simulating electrostatics

and neutron transport application_pdf.pngAbstract (18 KB)Info circle.png

(Monday!!! 04.05.2009 Olaf Lenz (MPI-P Mainz) Espresso ++
14.05.2009 Marcello Sega (Trento University) Pitfalls on the way to single

molecule thermodynamics

21.05.2009 HOLIDAY, No Kolloquium
28.05.2009 Regine von Klitzing (TU Berlin)
04.06.2009 -------
11.06.2009 HOLIDAY, No Kolloquium
18.06.2009 ----
25.06.2009 Prof. Dr. Clemens Bechinger (Physikalisches Institut, Univ. Stuttgart)
02.07.2009 Udo Seifert (ITP 2, Uni Stuttgart) Stochastic Thermodynamics
09.07.2009 Rainer Helmig (IWS, Stuttgart) t.b.a
16.07.2009 Reinhard Reichel(Institut für Luftfahrtsysteme)