Difference between revisions of "Simon Gravelle"

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m (added 'Find me on the web' section)
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== Find Me on the Web ==
* [https://simongravelle.github.io My personal page]
* [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9fD2JlYAAAAJ&hl=fr Google scholar]
* [https://lammpstutorials.github.io/ My LAMMPS tutorial website]

Revision as of 10:10, 19 October 2021

Foto Simon.png
Simon Gravelle
Fax:+49 711 685-63658
Email:simon.gravelle _at_ icp.uni-stuttgart.de
Address:Simon Gravelle
Institute for Computational Physics
Universität Stuttgart
Allmandring 3
70569 Stuttgart

Find Me on the Web