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lecture will consist of:
lecture will consist of:
'''1. '''
'''1. ''' Biomolecular Simulation Approaches
'''2. '''
'''2. ''' Coarse Graining Strategies for Soft Matter
'''3. '''
'''3. ''' Efficient Methods for Treating Long Range Interactions
'''4. '''
'''4. ''' Free Energy Calculations
'''5. ''' Advanced Monte Carlo Methods
== Prerequisites ==
== Prerequisites ==

Revision as of 12:59, 18 April 2010


Simulationsmethoden in der Physik II: Simulation Methods in Physics II

Lecture (2 SWS) and Tutorials (1 SWS)
Prof. Dr. Christian Holm (Lecture) and Joan Josep Cerdà, Nadezhda Gribova (Tutorials)
Course language
English or German, depending on audience
Time and Room
Lecture times: Monday, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Room V27.03
Tutorial times: Wednesday, 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Room U 108 (Pfaffenwaldring 27)

The lecture is accompanied by hands-on-tutorials which will take place in the CIP-Pool of the ICP, Pfaffenwaldring 27, U 108. They consist of practical exercises at the computer, like small programming tasks, simulations, visualization and data analysis. The tutorials build on each other, therefore continuous attendance is expected. The solutions to the worksheet will be handed in and graded,


The course intends to give an overview about modern simulation methods used in physics today. The stress of the lecture will be to introduce different approaches to simulate a problem, hence we will not go too to deep into specific details but rather try to cover a broad range of methods. In more detail, the lecture will consist of:

1. Biomolecular Simulation Approaches

2. Coarse Graining Strategies for Soft Matter

3. Efficient Methods for Treating Long Range Interactions

4. Free Energy Calculations

5. Advanced Monte Carlo Methods


We expect the participants to have basic knowledge in classical and statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, and partial differential equations, as well as knowledge of a programming language (preferably C or C++). The successful attendence of the previous course Simulation methods I is required, since we will build up the lecture on previously gained knowledge.

Certificate Requirements:

The final mark consists :

1. 50% of the marks for the hand-in exercises for both parts of the course (Simulation Methods in Physics I and II)
2. 50% of the mark at the oral exam in the end of the course.


Date Subject

Tutorials (U 108)

Date Subject
21.04/28.04 Error Analysis.
05.05/12.05 Atomistic simulations using GROMACS package. Water models.
19.05/02.06 Introduction to ESPResSo package. Simulation of a polymer.
16.06/23.06 Simulation of a charged rod.
30.06/07.07 Lattice Bolzmann.
14.07/21.07 Advanced MD.

Recommended literature

Available E-Books

D.P. Landau and K. Binder.

"A guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics"