Difference between revisions of "User:Olenz"

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* MySQL is running on elk
* MySQL is running on elk
* For applications, allow access only from localhost
* For applications, allow access only from localhost
* Log in
* Log in <pre>mysql -u root -p</pre>
mysql -u root -p
* Create a user <pre>CREATE USER <user> IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';</pre>
* Create a user
* Create a DB <pre>CREATE DATABASE <dbname>;</pre>
CREATE USER <user> IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
* Grant full access on DB to user <pre>GRANT ALL ON <dbname>.* TO <user>;</pre>
* Create a DB
* Grant full access on DB to user  
GRANT ALL ON <dbname>.* TO <user>;
== Useful things ==
== Useful things ==

Revision as of 09:53, 13 April 2011

Problems with the skin

  • Page looks strange on IE 6
    • Page width problem
    • Left and right border of the footer
    • Logo has black background
    • Font size in header nav tabs is too large

Quick links

Administration stuff

Granting SVN access to external users

Description: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch06s03.html

  1. Get the public ssh key of the user.
  2. Append the public ssh key to /home/svn/.ssh/authorized_keys.
  3. Insert
    command="svnserve -r /home/svn/repos -t --tunnel-user=<user>",no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty
    before the key. Now the user can only execute the SVN command, and any other command will be ignored.


  • MySQL is running on elk
  • For applications, allow access only from localhost
  • Log in
    mysql -u root -p
  • Create a user
    CREATE USER <user> IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
  • Create a DB
    CREATE DATABASE <dbname>;
  • Grant full access on DB to user
    GRANT ALL ON <dbname>.* TO <user>;

Useful things

Useful things for LaTeX


  • PDFLaTeX
    • can use PDF, JPG, PNG
    • use filename without extension!
    • use epstopdf to convert EPS
  • graphicsdir
  • empty lines are significant
  • Difference between \\ and an empty line
  • LaTeX 2.09 vs. LaTeX 2ε
    • \documentstyle\documentclass
    • \it, \em, ... → \textit, \emph (Differences at the end!)
    • If anything, use \itshape
    • In general: prefer commands over declarations
  • Koma-script classes
  • Packages xspace, todonotes, inputenc, fontenc, lmodern, german/babel


  • texdoc
  • kpsewhich
  • latexmk