Hauptseminar Multiscale Simulations SS 2016/Mean-field modelling of EOF and electrophoresis with an FEM based approach

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Mean-field modelling of EOF and electrophoresis with an FEM based approach
Georg Rempfer


None of the methods discussed so far can be applied to systems on experimental length scales directly, due to the large size difference of the double layer and the geometric features of these systems. The Finite Element Method (FEM) allows one to overcome this issue, due to its inherent ability to deal with complex geometries and to work on locally refined meshes.

The speaker will discuss a number of experimentally realized microfluidic systems, introduce the FEM, discuss it's strengths and weaknesses when applied to the electrokinetic equations (as introduced in the previous talk), and finally present some results obtained using the FEM.


  • Sascha Ehrhardt. "Simulation of Electroosmotic Flow through Nanocapillaries using Finite-Element Methods". Master's Thesis, ICP, 2015.