Olaf Lenz

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Olaf Lenz.jpg
Dr. Olaf Lenz
Office:16a (ground floor)
Phone:+49 711 685-63607
Fax:+49 711 685-63658
Email:olenz _at_ icp.uni-stuttgart.de
Address:Dr. Olaf Lenz
Institute for Computational Physics
Universität Stuttgart
Allmandring 3
70569 Stuttgart


I am a research assistant of Christian Holm at ICP. After undergraduate studies in "Applied computer science in the natural sciences" at Bielefeld University, I have obtained a PhD in computer science and physics at Bielefeld University under the guidance of F. Schmid and H. Ritter with a thesis on "Computer simulations of lipid bilayers". Afterwards, I have held postdoctoral positions at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies and at the MPI for Polymer Research.

Starting with my undergraduate studies, my main interest has always been the interdisciplinary work between computer science and physics, with a focus on the development of scientific software. I have published about 10 articles in refereed journals and I have made contributions to to various scientific software packages, for example the simulation packages ESPResSo++ and ESPResSo, and the molecular viewer VMD.

I am one of the core developers and the maintainer of the ESPResSo simulation package for efficient parallel simulations of coarse-grained soft matter.

My interests



The article "Hydrogels in Poor Solvent - A Molecular Dynamics Study" is a cover issue