Advanced sampling techniques and atomistic modeling

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In this topical group, we discuss advanced / meta sampling techniques. We concentrate on two main problems, namely the sampling of rare transitions and free energies.


The meeting takes place biweekly on Tuesdays at 10:30, if not indicated differently.

  • Tue, 17.09.2013: Initial meeting & introduction (KK, TK, JL, JM)
  • Tue, 15.10.2013: Introduction (JZ, ET), progress report
  • Tue, 29.10.2013: Progress report (TK), order parameters / reaction coordinates / collective variables (ET)
  • Tue, 12.11.2013: Progress report (KK), free energy landscapes and stationary distributions
  • Tue, 26.11.2013: Progress report (JM), Umbrella Sampling
  • Tue, 10.12.2013: Progress report (JL), Metadynamics
  • Tue, 14.01.2014: Progress report (ET), Forward Flux Sampling using automatic, optimized interface placement (KK)
  • Tue, 28.01.2014: Progress report (JZ), Classical Nucleation Theory as rare event
  • Tue, 11.02.2014: Progress report, Calculating surface tension and chemical potential (cleaving wall and particle insertion method) (TK)


For rare events, we use

  • Forward Flux Sampling
  • Transition Interface Sampling

The standard tool here is FRESHS

For free energy calculations

  • Umbrella Sampling
  • Metadynamics

The standard tool here is PLUMED