Special topics in Soft Matter and Computational Biophysics (SoSe 2008)

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Current Schedule

In the Summer semester 2008, usually the seminar takes place on Mondays, 14-16 h, in the FIAS seminar room (FIAS 101). For changes or special seminars on other days, see schedule:

7.4.2008 Paolo Mereghetti, University of Milano-Bicocca Neural networks for protein model validation and near-native free energy landscape of large proteins
14.4.2008 Nadezhda Gribova, FIAS Structure anomalies of 3D repulsive step potential system
21.4.2008 Internal
28.4.2008 Mehmet Süzen, FIAS Stretched Polymers in Confined Geometries
5.5.2008 Prof. Dr. Roland Winkler, Theoretical Soft-Matter and Biophysics IFF Jülich Non-equilibrium mesoscale hydrodynamic simulations of polymers
19.5.2008 Dr. Daniel Sebastiani, MPI for Polymer Research, Mainz Proton momentum densities in hydrogen-bonded systems from first-principles path integral simulations

You can find a list of the talks in the previous semesters in the archive.