Oberseminar SS 2009

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Oberseminar: Physik mit Höchstleistungsrechnern

In the Summer Semester 2008/09, the group therapy usually takes place on Mondays 14-16 h, in the seminar room (ICP XXXX). Each seminar consist of 2 speakers. Each speaker is expected to talk for 20 min plus 10min for discussions and/or questions.

Current Schedule

Thursday, 23.10.2008, 14-17 h Dr. Olaf Lenz, FIAS VMD Tutorial
27.10.2008 Dr. Nadezhda Gribova, FIAS Simulation studies of heterogeneous nucleation in colloidal model systems
17.11.2008 Dr. Sofia Kantorovich, FIAS Ferrofluid project: lights and shadows
24.11.2008 Mehmet Suzen, FIAS Model Problems in Single Molecule Experiments