
From ICPWiki
Revision as of 10:11, 13 April 2011 by Olenz (talk | contribs) (→‎MySQL)
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Problems with the skin

  • Page looks strange on IE 6
    • Page width problem
    • Left and right border of the footer
    • Logo has black background
    • Font size in header nav tabs is too large

Quick links

Administration stuff

Granting SVN access to external users


  1. Get the public ssh key of the user.
  2. Append the public ssh key to /home/svn/.ssh/authorized_keys.
  3. Insert
    command="svnserve -r /home/svn/repos -t --tunnel-user=<user>",no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty
    before the key. Now the user can only execute the SVN command, and any other command will be ignored.


  • MySQL is running on elk
  • For applications, allow access only from localhost
  • Log in
    mysql -u root -p
# create a user
CREATE USER <user> IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';

# create a db

Create a DB

 # Grant full access on DB to user 
 GRANT ALL ON <dbname>.* TO <user>@<where>
 # Example: Grant full access to user testwiki from localhost
 GRANT ALL ON testwiki.* TO testwiki@localhost;

 # Revoke access
 REVOKE ALL ON testwiki.* FROM testwiki;

Useful things

Useful things for LaTeX


* PDFLaTeX ** can use PDF, JPG, PNG ** use filename without extension! ** use epstopdf to convert EPS * graphicsdir * empty lines are significant * Difference between \\ and an empty line * LaTeX 2.09 vs. LaTeX 2ε ** \documentstyle\documentclass ** \it, \em, ... → \textit, \emph (Differences at the end!) ** If anything, use \itshape ** In general: prefer commands over declarations * Koma-script classes * Packages xspace, todonotes, inputenc, fontenc, lmodern, german/babel


* texdoc * kpsewhich * latexmk