Kai Kratzer

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Kai Kratzer
PhD Student
Phone:+49 711 685-67722
Fax:+49 711 685-63658
Email:kratzer _at_ icp.uni-stuttgart.de
Address:Kai Kratzer
Institute for Computational Physics
Universität Stuttgart
Allmandring 3
70569 Stuttgart


  • Yevgen Dorozhko, Kai Kratzer, Yuriy Yudin, Axel Arnold, Colin W. Glass and Michael Resch.
    Rare Event Sampling using the Science Experimental Grid Laboratory. Civil-Comp. CC2013/2013/00402 (2013).
  • Kai Kratzer, Axel Arnold, and Rosalind J. Allen.
    Automatic, optimized interface placement in forward flux sampling simulations. J. Chem. Phys. 138, 164112 (2013).
  • Thorsten Schumacher, Kai Kratzer, David Molnar, Mario Hentschel, Harald Giessen, and Markus Lippitz.
    Nanoantenna-enhanced ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy of a single gold nanoparticle. Nature Communications 2, 333 (2011).
