Special topics in Soft Matter and Computational Biophysics (WiSe 07/08)

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1.11.2007 Jochen Schmidt, FIAS DFT methods: Life before SimBio
8.11.2007 A. Grosberg, Univ. Minnessota, currently at MPI-P, Mainz Statistical Mechanics and Evolutionary Optimization of Searching by Transcription Factor Proteins
Wednesday, 14.11.2007 Marcello Sega, FIAS Nanopores and electrohydrodynamics
Tuesday, 20.11.2007, 15-16 Madhavi Krishnan, Univ. Dresden Electrostatic stretching of DNA and trapping of charged colloids in a nanoslit
29.11.2007 Thomas Wallmersperger, Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrtkonstruktionen (ISD), Universität Stuttgart Finite Element Modeling of Polyelectrolyte Gels
6.12.2007 Mehmet Süzen, FIAS Polymer stretching
Monday, 17.12.2007, 10:15-12 Apratim Chatterji, IFF, Juelich application_pdf.pngElectrophoresis of Highly Charged Colloids (38 KB)Info circle.png
20.12.2007 Olaf Lenz, FIAS SimBio Wiki
24.01.2008 Jens Smiatek, Univ. Bielefeld application_pdf.pngTunable-Slip Boundaries and Electrokinetic Effects in Microchannels (27 KB)Info circle.png

You can find a list of the talks in the previous semesters in the archive.