Statistical Mechanics (WS 2008/2009)

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Inhalt / topics

  • Review of thermodynamics and elementary statistical mechanics
  • thermal radiation and Planck distribution
  • Gibbs free energy and chemical reactions
  • theory of phase transitions
  • Bosonic and Fermionic statistics
  • lattice gases
  • Van der Waals Gas, virial expansion
  • various statistical ensembles

Vorkenntnisse / previous knowledge

  • classical mechanics
  • thermodynamics

Studiennachweis / record of study

  • Regelmäßige Teilnahme an Übung, plus erledigen der Übungsaufgaben mit einem finalen Ergebnis von mindestens 60 Punkten aus den Übungaufgaben und den kurzen Fragebögen aus der Übung ( entspricht 50 % der Gesamtpunktzahl )
  • regular participation during the exercise course, plus solving the exercises getting a final result of at least 60 points from the exercises and the short exams in class ( corresponds the 50 % of the available points )

Unterrichtssprache / language of instruction

Englisch / english

Zielgruppe / audience

  • Diese Vorlesung richtet sich an die Teilnehmer des Masterstudienganges "Computational Science", aber auch interessierte Studenten der angeschlossenen Fachbereiche in anderen MS Programmen.
  • The lecture is aimed at the participants of the master study course "computational science". Nevertheless students of other university departements are welcome too.

Angestrebte Zeiten / aimed appointment

  • Lecture: Tu: 13:00 - 15:00 FIAS building 100
  • Exercises: Tu: 15:00 - 17:00 FIAS building 100
  • 11.11.08 : Physics building 2.100

Recommended literature

  • Thermal Physics, Charles Kittel/Herbert Kroemer, Freeman, NY


Date Subject
14.10. The big picture and Intro to Probability

application_pdf.pngProbability_notes (114 KB)Info circle.png.application_pdf.pngLecture0.pdf (548 KB)Info circle.png [Little history about statistical physics] [A book just for fun about probabilites]

21.10. Overview: States of a model system, law of large numbers

application_pdf.pngLecture 1.pdf (3.93 MB)Info circle.png

28.10. Entropy, Temperature, the most probable state, fundamental laws of Thermodynamics.

application_pdf.pngLecture2.pdf (3.19 MB)Info circle.png

04.11. The Boltzmann Distribution, Partition function, and Helmholtz free energy

application_pdf.pngLecture3.pdf (128 KB)Info circle.png

11.11. Pressure, differential relations
18.11. The ideal gas

application_pdf.pngLecture5.pdf (1.45 MB)Info circle.png

25.11. Thermal Radiation and Planck distribution

application_pdf.pngSM0809_Lecture6.pdf (1.45 MB)Info circle.png

02.12. Chemical Potential and Gibbs Distribution
09.12. Chemical Reactions
16.12. Bosons and Fermions
13.01. Classical thermodynamics
20.01. General description of phase transitions, Part 1
27.01. VdW gas, theory of phase transitions Part 2, nucleation theory
03.02. Landau theory


Date Subject

