Oberseminar WS 2009/2010

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Oberseminar: Physik mit Höchstleistungsrechnern

In the winter Semester 2009/2010, the Oberseminar usually takes place on Mondays 14-16 h, in the seminar room (ICP V 27.03). In general each seminar consist of either two speakers who are expected to talk for 20 min plus 10min for discussions and/or questions, or alternatively a single speaker which is expected to talk for 45min plus 15min for discussions.

Current Schedule

Monday, 5.10.2009, 14-15 h First speaker, affiliation, Title to be announced application_pdf.pngAbstract (42 KB)Info circle.png second speaker, affiliation, Title to be announced application_pdf.pngAbstract (42 KB)Info circle.png