Bibhu Biswal

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As Bibhu Biswal is not a member of our working group anymore, the information on this page might be outdated.
Dr. Bibhu Biswal
Guest Scientist
Phone:+49 711 685-63757
Fax:+49 711 685-63658
Email:B.Biswal _at_
Address:Dr. Bibhu Biswal
Institute for Computational Physics
Universität Stuttgart
Allmandring 3
70569 Stuttgart

Academic Affiliations

  • Associate Professor, Department of Physics, S. V. College, University of Delhi, India
  • Guest Scientist, Institute for Computational Physics, Stuttgart University, Germany
  • Ph.D (1994), School of Physical Science, Jawaharlal Nehru Universiity, India
  • M.Sc., Physics (1988), Department of Physics, Utkal University, India


Porous Media

  • Prediction of transport parameters in Sandstones and Carbonates
  • Pore scale model reconstruction
  • Microstructure Characterization
  • Local Porosity Theory

Computational Neuroscience

  • Modeling Epileptic Brain Activity
  • Test of determinism in epileptic brain slices
  • Chaos control in biological systems

Nonlinear Dynamics

  • Time Series Analysis
  • Detection, Control and Anticontrol of chaos
  • Strange Nonchaotic Attractors in biological systems

Ising Model

  • Critical Finite Size Scaling
  • Singular Dynamic scaling in dilute Ising model
  • Domain growth in disordered magnets


Computational Neuroscience, Nonlinear Dynamics

Porous Media

Ising Model