.. _Selected publications: Selected publications ===================== When writing an HPC compute time application, you can strengthen your case by citing papers that have used your software on a cluster or in an HPC facility (with number of node hours, particles, etc.) to show its relevance to the HPC field. When applying for benchmark or development access, it can be beneficial to cite prior HPC work carried out with the software outlined in the proposal. The following sections list relevant HPC literature filtered by topics. Software -------- HPC method development: ESPResSo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: esDev- :keyprefix: esdev- :filter: keywords % "hpc-development-espresso" HPC simulations: ESPResSo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: esHPC- :keyprefix: eshpc- :filter: keywords % "software-espresso" and keywords % "simulation" HPC simulations: GROMACS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: gmxHPC- :keyprefix: gromacshpc- :filter: keywords % "software-gromacs" and keywords % "simulation" HPC simulations: LAMMPS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: lammpsHPC- :keyprefix: lammpshpc- :filter: keywords % "software-lammps" and keywords % "simulation" Institutes ---------- HPC at the ICP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: ICP- :keyprefix: icp- :filter: keywords % "affiliation-icp" HPC at the IPVS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: IPVS- :keyprefix: ipvs- :filter: keywords % "affiliation-ipvs" HPC at SimTech ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: SimTech- :keyprefix: simtech- :filter: keywords % "affiliation-simtech" Clusters -------- Bee ^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: Bee- :keyprefix: bee- :filter: keywords % "bee" Ehlers ^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: Ehlers- :keyprefix: ehlers- :filter: keywords % "ehlers" bwUniCluster ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: bwHPC- :keyprefix: bwhpc- :filter: keywords % "bwunicluster" Vulcan ^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: Vulcan- :keyprefix: vulcan- :filter: keywords % "hlrs-vulcan" HPE Hawk ^^^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: Hawk- :keyprefix: hawk- :filter: keywords % "hlrs-hpe-hawk" Hazel Hen ^^^^^^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: Hazel- :keyprefix: hazel- :filter: keywords % "hlrs-hazel-hen" Vega ^^^^ .. bibliography:: ../../_static/bib/bibliography.bib :labelprefix: Vega- :keyprefix: vega- :filter: keywords % "hpc-vega"