Multiscale simulation of transport in disordered and porous
media requires microstructures covering several decades in
length scale.
X-ray and synchrotron computed tomography are presently
unable to resolve more than one decade of geometric detail.
Recent advances in pore scale modeling
(Phys.Rev.E 80, (2009), 041301)
provide strongly correlated microsctructures
with several decades in microstructural detail.
A carefully calibrated microstructure
model for Fontainebleau sandstone has been
discretized into a suite of three dimensional microstructures
with resolutions from roughly 128 micrometer down to roughly
500 nanometer.
At the highest resolution
the three dimensional image
consists of 32768 = 35 184 372 088 832
discrete cubic volume elements
with gray values between 0 and 216.
This synthetic image is the largest computed tomogram
of a porous medium available at present.