Hauptseminar Active Matter SS 2017

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Seminar (Talks and Discussion)
Date and Time
weekly during the SS 2017; Tuesday 14:00
Institut für Computerphysik, room 01.079
Credit Points
2 SWS = 6 ECTS for M.Sc. Physik, 3 ECTS for M.Sc. PHYSICS
Prof. Dr. Clemens Bechinger (PI2)
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Dietrich (MPI-IS/ITP4)
Prof. Dr. Christian Holm (ICP)
Michael Kuron (ICP)
Hauptseminar (M.Sc. Physik), Seminar in Physics or Advanced Seminar in Physics (M.Sc. PHYSICS)
Active matter is currently one of the hottest topics in soft matter physics. In this seminar, we aim to provide an overview of the field, covering topics from hydrodynamics on small length scales, individual microswimmers and their propulsion all the way to the collective behavior of microswimmers and the interaction with their environment. The seminar will interweave experimental aspects with theoretical descriptions and numerical modeling. In this way, we aim to cover biological and artifical realizations of microswimmers, along with analytical models that capture the essentials of their behavior and state-of-the-art numerical methods that can solve the full physcial problem.
We expect the participants to have fundamental knowledge in classical and statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, and partial differential equations.

Schedule, speakers and resources

Number Date Time Topic Speaker Tutor Handout
{{{8}}} 11 April 2017 14:00 Hydrodynamics of Newtonian Fluids Cameron Stewart Paolo Malgaretti [1]
{{{8}}} 19 April 2017 17:30 Stokes Flow and Life at Low Reynolds Numbers Patrik Zielinski Mihail Popescu [2]
{{{8}}} 26 April 2017 17:30 Synthetic Microswimmers Carolin Dietrich Clemens Bechinger [3]
{{{8}}} 3 May 2017 17:30 The Squirmer model and the Boundary Element Method for Phoretic Swimmers Miru Lee Mihail Popescu [4]
{{{8}}} 10 May 2017 17:30 Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Active Particles Ashreya Jayaram Georg Rempfer [5]
{{{8}}} 17 May 2017 canceled Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Chemical Swimmers Matthias Bayerbach Michael Kuron
{{{8}}} 24 May 2017 17:30 Active Particles in External Fields Philipp Lunt J. Ruben Gomez-Solano [6]
{{{8}}} 31 May 2017 17:30 Finite Element Modeling of Active Particles Miftahussurur Hamidi Putra Patrick Kreissl [7]
{{{8}}} 14 June 2017 17:30 Microswimmers under Confinement Christoph Lohrmann Will Uspal [8]
{{{8}}} 21 June 2017 17:30 Clustering of Microswimmers in a Langevin Dynamics Model Timur Koyuk Michael Kuron [9]
{{{8}}} 28 June 2017 17:30 Mixtures of Active and Passive Particles Danial Davoudi Celia Lozano [10]
{{{8}}} 5 July 2017 17:30 Microswimmers in Viscoelastic Media Yolanda Marin Sabater J. Ruben Gomez-Solano [11]

Getting the credit points

To get the credit points for the seminar, the following criteria should be met:

  • All participants must:
    • Make the first appointment with their tutor 2 months (a minimum of 8 weeks) before giving their talk
    • Have taken a look at the literature provided on the website before this first meeting. This is necessary so that the participant and tutor can make a preliminary decision about the breadth and depth to cover of the topic.
    • Hand in a draft of their presentation slides 1 month before giving their talk
    • Give a trial talk 2 weeks in advance of their public talk and hand in their final draft of the handout
    • Hand in the final version of their handout 1 week in advance
    • Give their talk at the arranged time
    • Be present at all talks
    • Take part in the discussions following the talks
    • Give a five-minute summary of the previous week's talk on one occasion (see below)
  • The handout:
    • Consists of 8 to 10 A4 pages (incl. pictures; 11 pt font, single-spaced text)
    • Describes the contents of the talk, written out in full
    • Is written for the other participants
    • Is written in English
    • Must correctly and in a standard scientific style cite all sources used. Any pictures used must have a citation in the caption.
  • The talk:
    • Consists of material pertaining to the topic
    • Has a length of 45 minutes
    • Is prepared with a slide deck in electronic form
    • Is held in English
    • Must cite the author underneath any picture used. Text content should not have citations, but all sources must be listed in the handout.
  • The five-minute summary:
    • Every week, one student is randomly designated to open the next week's session.
    • In the following week, that student will have five minutes to give a brief summary of the previous talk.
    • For this, he/she may reuse up to two slides from the talk they are summarizing or they may create one slide on their own.
    • The use of slides is not mandatory and the format of the summary is completely up to the student.
    • If slides are used, they must be loaded onto the main speaker's laptop before the session starts.
    • The summarizer is also the chair of the session. Therefore, at the end of their summary, the chair will introduce the main speaker of the session, giving the speaker's name and topic and (if applicable) saying a sentence or two about how the talk connects to previous talks. Furthermore, it is the chair's job to manage the questions at the end by calling the people who raise their hands and by ensuring that the questions stay on topic.
  • Participants are graded according to:
    • The quality of the trial talk and final draft of the hand out (50%)
    • The quality of the final presentation (25%)
    • The level of participation in the discussion and the quality of their five-minute summary (25%)