Group retreat 2013

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Monday, February 25th (departure around 8:30) - Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 (arrival around 17:00)


Waldhotel Zollernblick
Am Zollernblick 1
72250 Freudenstadt-Lauterbad
Tel.: 07441 - 950990

Important: Travel form

Before we start, you have to fill out and sign the Dienstreisegenehmigung (Travel form) and give it to Henriette!

Please fill out your travel forms based on the examples supplied here:

For those who will spend no extra costs for the trip and will not submit a reimbursement request: Fill out your travel form based on this example here

For those who will incur travel costs related to the group retreat: Please fill out your travel form based on this example - Please submit your travel cost statement for reimbursement soon after the trip.

Preliminary program

Monday, February 26th
8:30: Departure at ICP, Allmandring 3
10:00: Arrival at Hotel Zollernblick
11:00: Public science talks: Christian Holm, Rudolf Hilfer, Axel Arnold, Maria Fyta, Jens Smiatek and Olaf Lenz
12:30: Lunch
14:15: Talk Markus Bier (MPI): Wetting phenomena in ionic fluids
15:00: Talk Karen Schmid (IWS): tba.
15:45: Coffee break
16:30: Talk Andreas Wohlfarth (MPI): Ionomers and Polyelectrolytes for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
17:15: Talk Kuno Kurzhals (VISUS): tba.
18:00: Dinner
19:00: Poster session

Tuesday, February 26th
8:00: Breakfast
9:00: Internal discussions: Lattice-Boltzmann, electrostatic algorithms, biophysics, administrative staff, discussions with external speakers...
10:00: Coffee break
10:30: Talk Florian Fahrenberger
10:45: Talk Joost de Graaf
11:00: Talk Elena Minina
11:15: Talk Jose Rafael Bordin
11:30: Talk Kai Kratzer
11:45: Talk Dominic Roehm
12:00: Lunch
14:00: Social events
18:00: Dinner
19:30: Internal discussions: Improvement of structures

Wednesday, February 27th
8:00: Breakfat
9:00: Internal discussions: Improvement of structures (Bachelor & Diploma students, PhD students & Post-Docs, Group leaders and administrative staff)
10:30: Coffee break
11:00: Internal discussions: ESPResSo, Gromacs, discussions with external speakers and administrative staff
12:30: Lunch
14:00: Summary and closing words
15:30: Departure
~17:00: Arrival at ICP

The program is now open for discussion. Specifically the discussion topics may change. If you have any suggestions and hints, please contact Jens.


The following persons will give a short scientific talk (10 - 15 minutes, probably on Tuesday, 26th):

1.) Florian Fahrenberger
2.) Joost de Graaf
3.) Elena Minina
4.) Jose Rafael Bordin
5.) Kai Kratzer
6.) Dominic Roehm

The group leaders will give an overview of their research (10 - 15 minutes, probably on Monday, 25th). It is intended to present the topics in a public science approach. Therefore all unimportant equations, scientific experessions without explanation and too many details should be avoided.

1.) Christian Holm
2.) Rudolf Hilfer
3.) Axel Arnold
4.) Maria Fyta
5.) Jens Smiatek
6.) Olaf Lenz


We have ordered 15 poster walls (30 posters can be presented). Therefore all diploma-, PhD students and post-docs should present their work with a poster (DIN A0, width 85 cm, height 120 cm)


We have reserved three rooms for talks and discussions (a large room for the talks and posters, a smaller room and the lobby for discussions).

Social event

On Tuesday afternoon (February 26th) it is planned to have a social program.

  • Visit of Experimenta in Freudenstadt and/or city tour
  • Hiking (several options)
  • Skiing (there is a hill with lift in close vicinity to the hotel)

If you have further suggestions or questions, please contact Jens.

Room plan

We have reserved 12 single rooms and 21 double rooms. If you have any comments, confirmations etc., please contact Jens until February, 11th.

Single rooms
1.) Christian Holm
2.) Rudolf Hilfer
3.) Maria Fyta
4.) Olaf Lenz
5.) Frank Huber
6.) Jens Smiatek
7.) Henriette Patzelt
8.) Claudia Lemke
9.) Andreas Wohlfarth (MPI)
10.) Kuno Kurzhals (VISUS)
11.) Silke Schade
12.) Joan J. Cerda (to be confirmed)

Double rooms
1.) Axel Arnold & Nadezhda Gribova & daughter
2.) Zhenli Xu & Jose Rafael Bordin
3.) Shervin Raafatnia & Florian Dommert
4.) Florian Fahrenberger & Stefan Kesselheim
5.) Andreas Lemmer (to be confirmed) & Anand Krishnamoorthy (to be confirmed)
6.) April Cooper (to be confirmed) & Elena Minina
7.) Ganesh Sivaraman & Bibek Adhikari
8.) Wang Xue & Christoph Wolber
9.) Owen Hickey & Georg Rempfer
10.) Pedro Sanchez & Patrick Kreissl
11.) Konrad Breitsprecher & Johannes Zeman
12.) Dominic Roehm & Tobias Richter
13.) Florian Weik & Kai Kratzer
14.) Joost de Graaf & Peter Kosovan
15.) Julian Michalowsky & Jonas Landsgesell
16.) Kai Szuttor & Rudolf Weeber (both only one night)
17.) Karen Schmid (IWS) (one night)
18.) Markus Bier (MPI) (one night)
19.) Martin Kuron & Sascha Ehrhardt