[334.3.1] Let denote
-dimensional Laplace operator in cartesian
[334.3.2] Numerous authors postulate a fractional diffusion equation
such as
![]() |
(1) |
with and initial condition
![]() |
(2) |
[page 335, §0]
for a function as a mathematical model
for various physical phenomena (see [10, 15, 14, 28, 29]
for examples).
[335.0.1] For
this becomes the Cauchy problem for the ordinary diffusion
equation whose applicability as a mathematical model for physical phenomena
has been validated with innumerable experiments.
[335.0.2] For
however experimental evidence remains narrowly bounded
in space and time scales.
[335.0.3] Moreover, theoretical considerations cast
fundamental doubts on the applicability
of this case to natural phenomena.
[335.1.1] For the fractional Laplace operator
in eq. (1)
may be defined (in the sense of Riesz [23]) as
![]() |
(3) |
where denotes the Fourier transform of
[335.1.2] A core domain suitable for various extensions are
from the Schwartz space
of smooth functions decreasing rapidly at infinity.
[335.2.1] The implicit idealizing assumption underlying
the choice of an unbounded domain in
eq. (1) is that the boundary is sufficiently far
away so that its effects on the observations are negligible.
[335.2.2] However, experiments are normally performed inside a bounded
laboratory containing
a bounded apparatus that occupies a bounded domain
of space.
[335.2.3] Thus, practical applications require to consider
nonlocal boundary value problems on bounded domains
[335.3.1] Every experiment assumes
that the experimental conditions in the
region surrounding the region
containing the sample can be controlled and reproduced to any
desired degree of accuracy.
[335.3.2] In the mathematical model this is represented by assuming
given boundary data
for the unknown
such that
![]() |
(4) |
for all times .
[335.3.3] The Riesz operator
may then be
be understood as a Dirichlet form on the space
over the bounded set
with the canonical Borel
and a
-finite measure
, [5].