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2 Relation between fractional and fractal walks

[] Let us start by recalling briefly the general theory of continuous time random walks [5, 7, 8]. [] The basic equation of motion is the continous time random walk (CTRW) integral equation [16]

p(\bm{\vec{r}},t)=\delta _{{\bm{\vec{r}}0}}\Phi(t)+\int _{0}^{t}\psi(t-t^{\prime})\sum _{{\bm{\vec{r}}^{\prime}}}\lambda(\bm{\vec{r}}-\bm{\vec{r}}^{\prime})p(\bm{\vec{r}}^{\prime},t^{\prime})\, dt^{\prime} (2.1)

[page 2, §0]    describing a random walk in continous time without correlation between its spatial and temporal behaviour. [] Here, as in (1.2), p(\bm{\vec{r}},t) denotes the probability density to find the diffusing entity at the position \bm{\vec{r}}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{d} at time t if it started from the origin \bm{\vec{r}}=0 at time t=0. [] \lambda(\bm{\vec{r}}) is the probability for a displacement \bm{\vec{r}} in each single step, and \psi(t) is the waiting time distribution giving the probability density for the time interval t between two consecutive steps. [] The transition probabilities obey \sum _{{\bm{\vec{r}}}}\lambda(\bm{\vec{r}})=1. [] The function \Phi(t) is the survival probability at the initial position which is related to the waiting time distribution through

\Phi(t)=1-\int _{0}^{t}\psi(t^{\prime})\, dt^{\prime}. (2.2)

[] The objective of this paper which was defined in the introduction is to show that the fractional master equation (1.2) is a special case of the CTRW-equation (2.1), and to find the appropriate waiting time density.

[] The translation invariant form of the transition probabilities in (2.1) allows a solution through Fourier-Laplace transformation. [] Let

\psi(u)=\mathcal{L}\{\psi(t)\}(u)=\int _{0}^{\infty}e^{{-ut}}\psi(t)\, dt (2.3)

denote the Laplace transform of \psi(t) and

\lambda(\bm{\vec{q}})=\mathcal{F}\{\lambda(\bm{\vec{r}})\}(\bm{\vec{q}})=\sum _{{\bm{\vec{r}}}}e^{{i\bm{\vec{q}}\cdot\bm{\vec{r}}}}\lambda(\bm{\vec{r}}) (2.4)

the Fourier transform of \lambda(\bm{\vec{r}}), which is also called the structure function of the random walk [5]. [] Then the Fourier Laplace transform p(\bm{\vec{q}},u) of the solution to (2.1) is given as [5, 7, 8, 16]

p(\bm{\vec{q}},u)=\frac{1}{u}\frac{1-\psi(u)}{1-\psi(u)\lambda(k)}=\frac{\Phi(u)}{1-\psi(u)\lambda(\bm{\vec{q}})} (2.5)

where \Phi(u) is the Laplace transform of the survival probability.

[] Similarly the fractional master equation (1.2) can be solved in Fourier-Laplace space with the result

p(\bm{\vec{q}},u)=\frac{u^{{\omega-1}}}{u^{\omega}-w(\bm{\vec{q}})} (2.6)

where w(\bm{\vec{q}}) is the Fourier transform of the kernel w(\bm{\vec{r}}) in (1.2). [] Eliminating p(\bm{\vec{q}},u) between (2.5) and (2.6) gives the result

\frac{1-\psi(u)}{u^{\omega}\psi(u)}=\frac{\lambda(\bm{\vec{q}})-1}{w(\bm{\vec{q}})}=C (2.7)

where C is a constant. [] The last equality obtains because the left hand side of the first equality is \bm{\vec{q}}-independent while the right hand side is independent of u.

[] From (2.7) it is seen that the fractional master equation characterized by the kernel w(\bm{\vec{r}}) and the order \omega corresponds to a special class of space time decoupled continuous time random walks characterized by \lambda(\bm{\vec{r}}) and \psi(t). [] This correspondence is given precisely as

\psi(u)=\frac{1}{1+Cu^{\omega}} (2.8)


\lambda(\bm{\vec{q}})=1+Cw(\bm{\vec{q}}) (2.9)

with the same constant C appearing in both equations. [] Not unexpectedly the correspondence defines the waiting time distribution uniquely up to a constant while the structure function is related to the Fourier transform of the transition rates.

[] To invert the Laplace transformation in (2.8) and exhibit the form of the waiting time density \psi(t) in the time domain it is convenient to introduce the Mellin transformation

f(s)=\mathcal{M}\{ f(x)\}(s)=\int _{0}^{\infty}x^{{s-1}}f(x)\, dx (2.10)

for a function f(x). [] The Mellin transformed waiting time density is obtained as

\psi(s)=\mathcal{M}\{\psi(t)\}(s)=\frac{1}{\omega C^{{1/\omega}}}\left(\frac{1}{C^{{1/\omega}}}\right)^{{-s}}\frac{\Gamma(\frac{1}{\omega}-\frac{s}{\omega})\Gamma(1-\frac{1}{\omega}+\frac{s}{\omega})}{\Gamma(1-s)} (2.11)

where \Gamma(x) denotes the Gamma function. [] To obtain (2.11) from (2.8) the relation between Laplace and Mellin transforms

\mathcal{M}\{\mathcal{L}\{ f(t)\}(u)\}(s)=\Gamma(s)\mathcal{M}\{ f(t)\}(1-s), (2.12)

the special result

\mathcal{M}\left\{\frac{1}{1+x}\right\}(s)=\Gamma(s)\Gamma(1-s) (2.13)

and the general relation

\mathcal{M}\{ f(ax^{b})\}(s)=\frac{1}{b}a^{{-s/b}}\mathcal{M}\{ f(x)\}(s/b) (2.14)

valid for a,b>0 have been employed. [] Using the definition of the general H-function given in the appendix one obtains the result

\psi(t)=\psi(t;\omega,C)=\frac{1}{\omega C^{{1/\omega}}}H^{{11}}_{{12}}\left(\frac{t}{C^{{1/\omega}}}\left|\begin{array}[]{cc}(1-\frac{1}{\omega},\frac{1}{\omega})\\
(1-\frac{1}{\omega},\frac{1}{\omega})&(0,1)\end{array}\right.\right) (2.15)

which may be rewritten as

(1,1)&(1,\omega)\end{array}\right.\right) (2.16)

with the help of general relations for H-functions [24]. [] The dependence on the parameters \omega and C has been indicated explicitly. [] From the series expansion of H-functions given in the appendix one finds

[page 3, §0]

\psi(t;\omega,C)=\frac{t^{{\omega-1}}}{C}\sum _{{k=0}}^{{\infty}}\frac{1}{\Gamma(\omega k+\omega)}\left(-\frac{t^{\omega}}{C}\right)^{k} (2.17)

showing that \psi(t) behaves as

\psi(t)\propto t^{{-1+\omega}} (2.18)

for small t\rightarrow 0. [] Because 0<\omega\leq 1 the waiting time density is singular at the origin. [] The series representation (2.17) shows that the waiting time density is a natural generalization of an exponential waiting time density to which it reduces for \omega=1, i.e. \psi(t;1,C)=(1/C)\exp(t/C). [] The series in (2.17) is recognized as the generalized Mittag-Leffler function E_{{\omega,\omega}}(x) [25], and \psi(t) may thus be written alternatively as

\psi(t;\omega,C)=\frac{t^{{\omega-1}}}{C}E_{{\omega,\omega}}\left(-\frac{t^{\omega}}{C}\right). (2.19)

[] Of course the result (2.17) can also be obtained more directly, but we have presented here a method using Mellin transforms because it remains applicable in cases where a direct inversion fails [23]. [] The asymptotic expansion of the Mittag-Leffler function for large argument [25] yields

\psi(t)\propto t^{{-1-\omega}} (2.20)

for large t\rightarrow\infty and 0<\omega<1. [] This result shows that the waiting time distribution has an algebraic tail of the kind usually considered in the theory of random walks [12, 13, 14, 15, 16].