[page 176, §1]
[176.1.1] A large variety of dynamic phenomena in condensed systems
can be described by a lattice gas model.
[176.1.2] Examples include transport in superionic solids,
phase separation in binary alloys, kinetics of spin models,
diffusion in metal-hydrogen systems or order-disorder phenomena
in chemisorbed monolayers at surfaces[1, 2, 3, 4].
[176.1.3] Moreover, the popular model of hopping transport on a percolating network
can be viewed as a special case.
[176.1.4] This is seen by considering a lattice gas with two species of particles,
A and B, for the case where the B-particles are frozen
into some random configuration.
[176.1.5] If, as usual, the A-particles are allowed to hop only into vacant lattice sites
then the problem is that of diffusion in a frozen disordered environment.
[176.1.6] Our interest in this problem stems from a case in which the B-particles
are not completely immobile, but very slow compared to the A-particles.
[176.1.7] The general objective in this paper will be
to calculate the transport coefficients for the A-particles.
[176.2.1] More specifically, we are motivated by the problem of calculating the
frequency dependent conductivity of -alumina, a superionic conductor,
well known for its ability to transport a variety of cations[5].
-alumina is a layered compound
-ions hop between the sites of a hexagonal
lattice forming a stack of two dimensional conduction planes[6].
[176.2.3] The activation energy for
is roughly
while that for Bapp is approximately
[176.2.4] Thus at sufficiently low temperatures the Bapp-ions are essentially frozen.
[176.2.5] They play the role of the B-particles in the lattice gas described above.
[176.2.6] At higher temperatures the Bapp become mobile.
[176.2.7] Now the
-ions (A-particles) experience a dynamic
instead of a frozen disordered environment.
[176.2.8] The fundamental parameter characterizing the different time scales in the problem
is the ratio
between the charcteristic hopping time
of the Bapp and
of the
[176.3.1] Despite its conceptual simplicity the model contains many interesting features,
even if we neglect for the moment all interactions between particles,
except, of course, the hard core repulsion.
[page 177, §0]
[177.0.1] The hard core repulsion prevents double occupancy of lattice sites.
[177.0.2] In the limit the tracer diffusion coefficient for the A-particle
shows pronounced correlation effects[7].
[177.0.3] On the other hand in the limit
the system will exhibit a percolation transition[8].
[177.0.4] For low concentrations of B-particles the Aâparticles
can diffuse along an infinite network of vacancies
while at high concentrations they are confined to finite clusters,
and there will be no long range transport.
[177.1.1] Generally the system discussed above can be described
by a many particle master equation[1].
[177.1.2] This remains true even if interactions between particles are included.
[177.1.3] In the case of /Bapp-
the Coulomb repulsion between the mobile ions will be important.
[177.1.4] Additional correlations can arise from lattice relaxation effects,
or from simultaneous hops of groups of ions.
[177.1.5] The latter is a well known phenomenon for the related
[177.1.6] Clearly the problem has to be simplified even if one resorts to a computer simulation.
[177.1.7] A careful Monte-Carlo-study of the tracer diffusion problem
was carried out by Kehr, Kutner and Binder[7, 9, 10, 11, 12].
[177.1.8] They focussed on the case
on a face centered cubic (fcc) lattice,
and considered systems with and without short range attractive/repulsive interactions.
[177.1.9] Theoretical attempts[13, 14, 15] have also concentrated on the case
and were therefore unable to reproduce the percolation transition for
[177.1.10] In this paper we present a theory for general
which allows to incorporate correlation effects
arising from the blocker dynamics
or from other sources such as particle interactions.
[177.2.1] Let us first discuss the general framework of our approach.
[177.2.2] Instead of focussing on the case
the basic idea is to start from the frozen problem, i. e.
[177.2.3] We discuss the diffusion of a single A-particle in the percolation geometry
produced by the immobile B-particles.
[177.2.4] Interactions between the particles lead to correlations
for the random walk of the A-particle.
[177.2.5] In general the effect of such correlations is to change the transition probabilities
to nearest neighbours of the particle[16].
[177.2.6] In particular let us assume that the primary effect is to change the
transition rate to the site that was occupied before the last step.
[177.2.7] Thus we assume that the A-particle has a memory of its previous position,
and consequently its random walk no longer has the Markov property.
[177.2.8] The corresponding problem on a regular lattice is well known[17, 18, 19, 20]
and can be solved exactly.
[page 178, §0]
[178.0.1] This allows us to formulate a generalized effective medium theory
for the correlated hopping of an A-particle on the frozen disordered network.
[178.1.1] Finally the B-particles are allowed to move, i. e. ,
and the A-particle now experiences a dynamic disordered environment.
[178.1.2] The solution to this dynamic percolation problem
can be expressed in terms of the solution for the frozen problem.
[178.1.3] The result is valid for arbitrary
and allows to incorporate correlation effects
via the special transition rate for transitions to the previously occupied site.
[178.1.4] The main advantage of this approach is its simplicity.
[178.1.5] The three main parameters are the concentration of B-particles,
the ratio of attempt frequencies,
and the ratio between the hopping rates for return to previously occupied sites
and transitions to other neighbours,
[178.1.6] The first two are essentially fixed from the experiment,
can be determined from a measurement
of the conductivity at any single frequency, e. g. at
[178.2.1] The objective of this paper, as mentioned in the beginning, is the
calculation of the frequency dependent conductivity for the A-particles.
[178.2.2] In addition we wish to evaluate the correlation factor
for the selfâdiffusion constant in the d. c. limit.
[178.2.3] We assume here that the B-particles do not contribute to the conductivity.
[178.2.4] We will present results for the hexagonal and the fcc-lattice.
[178.2.5] The first because of its low coordination number
and its relevance for /Bapp-
[178.2.6] The second because of the possibility to compare with d. c. results from
extensive Monte-Carlo simulations in the literature.
[178.3.1] For the a.c. response we find a crossover between a low frequency regime
dominated by the effects of blocker motion, and at high frequency regime
in which the blockers, or equivalently vacancies, appear to form a frozen network.
[178.3.2] In addition we predict the appearance of novel features
in the real and imaginary part as a result of correlations.
[178.3.3] In the d. c. limit we calculate the correlation factor
for the self diffusion coefficient.
[178.3.4] It interpolates smoothly between the case and
[178.3.5] Although our theory does not contain adjustable parameters for
the uncorrelated case (
) we find good agreement with Monte-Carlo
simulations by Kehr, Kutner and Binder[10, 11].
Our results will be presented in Section 5 and are then discussed in Section 6.
[page 179, §0]
[179.0.1] In the next section we formulate our model.
[179.0.2] In Section 3 we treat the correlated random walk in a frozen disordered environment,
and in Section 4 we use the result from Section 3 as input for the dynamic problem.