dielectric relaxation Fractional Calculus Fractional Time Glasses

Fitting the excess wing in the dielectric α-relaxation of propylene carbonate

R. Hilfer

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14, 2297 (2002)

submitted on
Wednesday, November 28, 2001

A novel fitting function for the complex frequency-dependent dielectric susceptibility is introduced and compared against other fitting functions for experimental broadband dielectric loss spectra of propylene carbonate taken from Schneider et al (Schneider U, Lunkenheimer P, Brand R and Loidl A 1999 Phys. Rev. E 59 6924). The fitting function contains a single stretching exponent similar to the familiar Cole–Davidson or Kohlrausch stretched exponential fits. It is compared to these traditional fits as well as to the Havriliak–Negami susceptibility and a susceptibility for a two-step Debye relaxation. The results for the novel fit are found to give superior agreement.

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