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|topic=Gravitaxis of Active Particles (E)
|topic=Gravitaxis of Active Particles (E)
|speaker= (reserved for) Daniel Arnold
|speaker=Daniel Arnold

Revision as of 15:21, 10 December 2014

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Gravitaxis of Active Particles (E)
Daniel Arnold


In this topic the problem of the motion of active swimmers in presence of gravity is introduced. The different factors influencing gravitaxis, as well as the possible dynamical responses observed in natural and artificial swimmers, are discussed.


  • J. O. Kessler, Nature 313, 218 (1985)
  • A.I. Campbell and S.J. Ebbens, Langmuir 29, 14066 (2013)
  • K. Wolff, A. M. Hahn, and H. Stark, Eur. Phys. J. E 36, 43 (2013)
  • B. ten Hagen et al., Nature Communications 5, 4829 (2014)