[1286.4.1] Model A fits for 5-methyl-2-hexanol are shown in Fig. 1 and for methyl-m-toluate Fig. 2. [1286.4.2] Note that in our notation . [1286.4.3] Model A fits the data remarkably well for five, respectively seven orders of magnitude, where both the -peak and the excess wing can be fitted simultaneously with only three parameters. [1286.4.4] Model A is better suited than the Havriliak-Negami model which only fits reasonably well for up to four orders of magnitudes for these materials. [1286.4.5] This improvement is due to the positive curvature of the function in (11) at frequencies above the -peak. [1286.4.6] Sometimes this curvature poses also the main difficulty when fitting with model A. [1286.4.7] An example is glycerol as seen in the left part of Fig. 3. [1286.4.8] While it is easy to fit closely the the -peak it is more difficult to simultaneously fit the excess wing.
[1286.5.1] Model B can fit the data much better than model A, because it contains one more parameter. [1286.5.2] Nevertheless, it is remarkable that it can fit a range of up to 10 orders of magnitude with little deviation from the data points. [1286.5.3] We believe that this model can be used to fit over some more orders of magnitude, but at this time there is no experimental data available which covers a broader range.